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Erosion: Bayelsa community at verge of extinction

A severe erosion menace has devastated Obogoro community in Yenagoa local government area of Bayelsa state in the core of the Niger Delta Region.
  The inhabitants of the community are currently living in fear as the community is at verge of extinction as a result of the daily negative impacts of erosion and landslide which is continuously destroying residential buildings, roads, historical landmark, economic trees and other valuables.
Obogoro community ravaging by erosion menance
According to our correspondent who visited the community, said it is pathetic to note that St. John Primary School premises, the only school in the community is almost completely eroded into the river, adding that barely some inches left the residential building of the Headmistress of the school accommodating her and the NYSC Corpers in the school will be washing away.

Our correspondent reported that the Obogoro vicinity now has constitute a great threat and danger for movement of children particularly the school kids over the erosion devastating effects.

The scenario, he said  is giving  great fear and sleepless night as if an imperative measure is not taking to curb the erosion menace the community and the school may be displaced. 

Headmistress Residence at the mercy of erosion at St. John Primary School Obogoro
Speaking to Global Overseer correspondent the Headmistress of the school, Mrs.  Stella Taribi described the ravaging effects of the erosion in the community as a great disaster.
  According to her the erosion has done a great damage in the school, pointing out that if urgent measures  are not taking to embark on the shoreline protection of the school, it may be forced to close down.
 “The erosion menace has done a great damage in the school because this month the erosion washes away almost one quarter of the school field. And the lodge that I’m living with the NYSC Corpers is barely some inches remaining for the erosion to be wash out. So, we are even afraid of this coming season whether we can be able to stay in school to teach if nothing is done. I don’t think school will be effective the erosion that we are seeing here.
  Indeed, the erosion has done a great bad damage to the school system. Because of that when we come to school we always keep our eyes on the children, let them not go to the edge of the field. For fear of children let them not fall from the edge of the land. So, the school is affected by the erosion greatly”, she said.
  The Headmistress called on the state and federal government and spirited individuals to come to the aide of the school by carrying out shore protection to enhance teaching and learning effectively in the school.
Also in his comment, the Ogiligba I of Atissa Kingdom, His Highness Okpoebi Righteous Gwegwe (JP) described the ravaging effects of the erosion menace in the community as beyond expectation.
  He blamed the massive expansion of erosion site on the inability of government and intervention agencies to nip the menace in the bud when it started, despite several appeal for help.
  Gwegwe lamented that all spirited efforts to call the attention of the state and federal government and other disasters intervention agencies to tackle the problem proves abortive.
“We are worried and restless as all spirited efforts to call the attention of preceding administrations and disaster intervention agencies to nip the menace in the bud when it started prove abortive. We are sincerely and heartily imploring the state and federal government as well as the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to award contract for the shore protection of the community immediately before the menace extinct the entire community. This we believe will salvage us from this predicament and state of hopelessness before we are finally displaced,” he said.
He also called on Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Programme (NEWMAP), NEMA and other Intervention Agencies to come to the aid of the community to salvage it from the current disaster.

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