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FG urged to set up Oloibiri Area Development Commission

                                             By Majesty Inegbagha

  In a bid to address the perceive neglect and the under development of the area where crude oil was first discovered in commercial quantities in  Nigeria in 1956, the federal government has  been called upon to consider as a matter of urgency to set up Oloibiri Area Development Commission.
 President Muhammadu Buhari
  Bayelsa State Commissioner for Community Development and Chieftaincy Affairs, Chief Saviour Frank Ibegi made the call in chat with Global Overseer correspondent in Yenagoa on the impacts of the area as where crude oil was first discovered in commercial quantities in Nigeria in 1956.
  Chief Ibegi who said the call has become imperative urged the federal government to raise $10 billion dollars for the commission to kick start the development process of the abandoned area to give the people a new lease of life.
 “The federal government should raise about $10 Billion dollars to develop that Oloibiri area where oil was first discovered in Nigeria. Why do we leave the right things and do the wrong things. Can’t we raise a commission to develop Oloibiri area where crude oil was first discovered in commercial quantities in Nigeria? Let’s raise a commission and start with 10 billion dollars. Can’t we draw this money from the excess crude oil?
  If that is too much, let start with $2 billion dollars from the excess crude oil. Buhari should start it. We need to go and commence development at where we started this wealth, where we are celebrating all these ones; where Nigeria has been built on and raise $2 billion dollars. Let’s go and develop that area where this wealth was commenced. Is it wrong to do it? That is the right thing we should do than to raise a commission to develop North East for ravaging the whole place instead of first developing the area where the nation wealth emanated”, he said.
  The commissioner lamented that the federal government has completely neglected the development of the area , adding that even the oil museum which foundation stone was laid in the early eighties by former  President Shehu Shagari’s administration was abandoned. 
  He asked “Why should the federal government going to construct refinery in Katsina State? Why is Dangote building refinery in Lagos? We only run pipeline from here (Niger Delta) to Lagos. Why not build it here? If Dangote should shift it ground and put his materials to Bayelsa State and build his refinery here. But the oil is right here. It is misplacement of priority,” he remarked.
Commenting on the state of development of Oloibiri area 62 years of oil exploration and exploitation activities, the Commissioner described the area as a ghost of itself.
“The area is a ghost of itself. We grow up there. When the crude oil exploration left I started my secondary school in 1972. We used the remaining facilities there to commence the secondary school=Government Secondary School, Ogbia Town. And it is a ghost of itself. Nothing! Not even a pitch. Nothing to show that oil work was done there. Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria finishes everything; ring the whole thing and left. So, there is nothing to show on ground. It is wickedness. It is wickedness and it is unfair.
And we are standing not preaching the truth. Nigeria is standing on falsehood for abandoning Bayelsa state the core of the Niger Delta Region. We are standing on falsehood. And falsehood does not strive?” Ibegi asked.
He stressed the need for the federal government to be fair enough for the people of Oloibiri area in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa state.
Chief Ibegi recalled that the federal government had set up a commission to develop North East ravaged by young men who took up arms and started killing themselves saying foreign education is evil; and spending billions of dollars for the development of the region and purchasing of arms to fight the Boko Harm insurgents and neglecting the area who produced the wealth of the nation. 
He regretted that the name Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) is not even helping anything because the whole jobs are collected by the Northerners.
“Every year budgetary provisions are made. But if you come to ground there is nothing to show that there is budget that money is allocated for projects in the development of the Niger Delta region. Nothing! Nigeria is not helping us. Nigeria stands on falsehood. That is why we keep on having problems until we meet the truth about life”, he asserted.

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