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2021 INC Election: Why Biakpara is widely endored for President

 By Majesty Inegbagbha

It has come to the fore that the office of the president of the Ijaw National Congress (INC), the apex umbrella body of Ijaw ethnic nationality fit for only those who possess exemplary leadership qualities and rare wealth of experience devoid of selfish tendencies and greed to occupy. 

May be an image of 1 person
  Honourable (Wing Commander) Peter Yerindi Biakpara (Rtd), Fss, Psc

 Certainly, the office is destined for persons of impeccable high character who attach importance to public interest and the socio-economic and political wellbeing of the Ijaw people above personal gains.

The office, obviously is not meant for the inexperienced, self-centered people and sycophants who have nothing to offer for the corporate interest and existence of Ijaw nation than to amass wealth at the detriment of the people.

It has come to the realization that the position of the president can be occupied by those who have indelible and enviable track records, foresight, wisdom, generosity and the boldness to ensure purposeful leadership for the general interest of all.

Assessing the contestants, checks have revealed that there are clarion calls to Ijaw nation’s delegates for the April 30 INC election to jettison money and vote for the matured credible elder statesman, Honourable (Wing Commander) Peter Yerindi Biakpara who has the vision, the instinctiveness and had contributed meaningfully for the development of Ijaw nation, and still doing, as president to pilot the affairs of the body to achieve it desired objectives.

It would be recalled that the Ijaw National Congress (INC) was set up to defend the rights of Ijaw people anywhere in the world.  Therefore, the office of the demands a vibrant, visionary and erudite fighter in the Ijaw struggle like Honourable (Wing Commander) Peter Yerindi Biakpara to occupy. The INC came into existence in 1991 when leaders of Ijaw ethnic nationality met in Patani, then in Rivers state to devise new strategies and long range political calculations for a fair share of the resources in the country.

The mobilization cut across the Ijaw in Rivers, Ondo, Delta, Edo and Akwa Ibom states. It was the first time the Ijaws were responsing to a tribal call en masse.  At the meeting C.A. Dime, a University Professor, emerged as the pioneer national president of Ijaw National Congress (INC). Among its objectives is the creation of more states out of Ijaw land and other areas that would enhance the socio-economic and political wellbeing of Ijaw people.

Nigeria gained independence on 1st October, 1960. Now, for the past 60 years the nationalities comprising well over four hundred and fifty - (450) nations in the country have not experienced real and practical independence.

This appear more so, particularly the Ijaw ethnic nationality found in Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Rivers, Edo and Ondo states who have for a large extent never enjoyed what should be the inalienable rights of any free citizenry of a country (Nigeria). Despite their enormous contributions to the wellbeing of the nation-in-terms of oil resources, which accounts for over 95% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEE), people(s) have suffered severe exclusion, deprivation, devastating health conditions, under development, a ravaged ecology and a general state of socio-political discontent.

“The Ijaws were one of the first of Nigeria’s peoples to have contact with Westerners, and were active as go-betweens in the slave trade between visiting Europeans and the peoples of the interior, particularly in the era before the discovery of quinine, when West Africa was still known as the Whiteman’s Graveyard.”

Considering the aforesaid, persons seeking to the enviable elective position of the Ijaw National Congress President must be a matured, brave and must be at all-time prepared to fight for the progress of the entire people of Ijaw ethnic nationality, which Hon Biakpara had been doing.

The Ijaw nation which is the fourth largest ethnic nationality in Nigeria, the economic main stay of the nation lacks the basic necessities of life. So, persons preparing to occupy the rare leadership position of INC President must be a brave, fearless, visionary and a foresighted leader of consummate track records not to just think of occupying the position on selfish gains.

The future of Ijaw nation depends solely on visionary and competent leadership that would work assiduously and valiantly to actualize the motive behind the formation of INC.

Since the formation of INC, the body is being piloted by professor this or that but the basic problems of Ijaw nation have continued to linger.

It is against this backdrop that Honourable (Wing Commander) Peter Yerindi Biakpara has gained the widely support from the people for the office of the INC President. This is sequel to his’ enviable track records and his various selfless contributions to the development of the Ijaw nation without any fear.

The people have confidence that Hon. (Wing Commander) Biakpara, with his military and political background and as a former Vice President of INC, if given the mandate will certainly do more good things to happen in Ijaw nation.

Checks also revealed that the massive support for  Hon. (Wing Commander) Biakpara for INC President is due to his consummate wealth of experience he had gathered over the years as an active senior military officer in the Nigeria Army, one time Honourable Member House of Representatives, former Special Adviser to the Governor of Delta State on Niger Delta Affairs, former Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, former Vice President Ijaw National Congress (INC), former Member, Governing Councils of Higher Institutions of Learning, and currently Member of Governing Council, Delta State University, Abraka among others.

The sage is also a distinguished Alumnus Award 2014, University of Ibadan Asaba Chapter and a High Chief, the Gbafamowei of Tuomo Kingdom. He is a patriotic son of Ijaw nation, brave and a fearless fighter over the years both in the military and in the contemporary Nigeria politics.

As a founding member of INC the people believe that he has an in-depth knowledge and experience on the motive behind the formation of the INC and will perform better than anyone else to yield positive results.

A rundown of the antecedent of Hon. Biakpara shows that he is a seasoned administrator that had been involved in the struggles of Ijaw nation apart from his selfless service to Ijaw nation and humanity.  In fact, he is a man of extra ordinary feats, courage, exemplary leadership, loyalty, uncommon commitment and valour.

It is enthusiastic to note that in all places he had worked, he has demonstrated exceptional administrative acumen with varying degree of efficiency and success. Devoid of doubt, he is a rare gem of utmost uprightness, energetic with the pedigree to steer the ship of INC to the Promised Land in line with its objectives.

There is great confidence among the people that Hon. (Wing Commander) Biakpara has everything that makes his life comfortable, and would use his office well to work assiduously to realize the INC set goals.

Hon Biakpara is educationally sagacious, outspoken and is a vibrant astute leader who hates injustice and oppression. In fact, he is a renowned pacesetter, trailblazer and an embodiment of the qualities of a good leader- communication, integrity, accountability, humility, resilience, vision, influence, positivity, delegation and confidence.

Unquestionable, Hon. Biakpara is a great and indefatigable leader, steadfast and an apostle of good governance and as well as an advocate for the abrogation of all obnoxious laws against the people of the Niger Delta.

It would be recalled that Hon. (Wing Commander) Biakpara (Rtd) who hails from Tuomo in Delta state joined the Nigeria Army in 1969 and grew up to the rank of a Wing Commander in the Nigeria Air Force, a position that has made him to travel all over the world for professional courses and training before his retirement. Some of the professional training he had attended includes: - RAF Engineering Course, Cranmwell UK, BO 105 Helicopter Specialist (Germany), C130 Hercules Specialist Course Lockheed, Georgia (USA), Gulfstream Executive Aircraft, Savanna, USA, and Aircraft Senior Manager Course British Aerospace, Hull, UK.

Biakpara also performed credibly well in the appointments he held in the military. These includes his appointment as Officer Commanding Engineering Wing Ikeja, OK Presidential Fleet, Ikeja, Lagos, Directing Staff, CSC Snr Div (Air), Jaji, Kaduna and the Chief Instructor CSC, Jnr, Div, (Air) Jaji, Kaduna.

In appreciation of his enviable exceptional performance in the military he was conferred with meritorious awards. Some of these include his award as “Best in Science Airforce Cadets, NDA Course 6, Defense Medal, National Medal, General Medal, Pass Staff College (PSS), Forces Service Star (FSS) and PSC Dagger (PSC+). He was also conferred with a prestigious award as Best Performing Commissioner for Agriculture by the Tell Magazine in 2005.

Indeed, there is no struggle for the emancipation of the Ijaw people from the oppressed that you could not found Hon. (Wing Commander) Biakpara.  He attended all the meetings in Kaiama and Arugbo in 1991 when INC was beginning to form. As a founding member, he was also present when INC was formed in Patani in 1991.

There is no programme of INC that Hon. Biakpara has not attended. He also attended the convention in the Diete-Spiff Stadium in Port Harcourt when INC was trying to get out of one of its many crises.  He has been a trailblazer in the peaceful resolution of crises in Ijaw ethnic nationality including the Mobil spill in 1999 at Eket, Warri crises and the Amnesty programme.

The erudite fighter in the Ijaw struggle had used his position to safeguard lives and properties in Ijaw nation, particularly the Patani youths that would have been killed if not of his intervention.

As an ardent supporter for resource control and abrogation of the many criminal and unjust laws against Ijaw nation, it is believing that Hon. Biakpara will persevere until all unjust laws are abrogated. The people also have confidence that he would reposition the INC to give sense of belonging to all.

It is expected that the ELECO set up by the Bayelsa state Governor, Senator Douye Diri will conduct free and fair, credible and peaceful election to enable the electorates vote the candidate of their choice. 



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