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2019 Governorship marathon race in Bayelsa: .Gwegwe canvasses support for Epie/Atissa to produce the governor

   The Ogiligba I of Atissa Kingdom, His Highness Okpoebi Righteous Gwegwe, and a leading grassroot politician in Bayelsa state is tirelessly canvassing support for Epie/Atissa to produce the next governor of the state in 2019.
  Chief Gwegwe who hails from Obogoro community in Yenagoa local government area, in a chat with newsmen in Yenagoa, says his chances to emerge the next governor of the state in 2019 are very clear as far as credible elections are conducted in the state.
His Highness Okpoebi Righteous Gwegwe

   Gwegwe, who claims as consensus candidate of the people was keen, pointing out that with his rare experience as a man endowed with the eight principles of public life and his unparalleled exemplary leadership qualities is an additional impetus that he was convince to take over powers in Creek Haven since he believe it is the turn of Epie/Atissa to produce the next governor as they are begging.
   The sage pleaded with the people of Ogbia, Nembe and Izon ethnic nationalities to sympathize with the Epie/Atissa people and give the clans the opportunity to produce the next governor of the state this time around.
  He recalled that in line with Late Senator (Chief) Melford Obiene Okilo of blessed memory zoning formula, it is the turn of Epie/Atissa to produce the next governor of the state, stating equivocally that the gesture would give them a sense of belonging as landlords of the state capital.
  Gwegwe implored for the overwhelming support of the Ogbia, Nembe and the Izon people to pave way for his victory, pointing out that he had contested three times governorship elections in the state in 2007, 2008 and 2012, and he is  optimistic that this fourth time he will win through their support.
 “There was an adage of old that says four corners make one goal. And I think I have contested 3 times. So, I believe that this time around that I am coming into the race is going to be the fourth time. So, I’m going to take over and arrange things better for the people, “he said.
  According to him, his entry into politics was borne out of his desire to render self-less service to the people and leave behind enduring legacies to impact positively on the lives of the present and future generations that he could be remembered like the Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Saro-wiwa among others.
  On his development agenda for the state when given the opportunity to serve, Gwegwe said he would work assiduously to transform the state to an enviable height through prudent management of resources for the corporate interest of the people.
  According to him he would take the eight local government areas of the state as his primary constituencies devoid of sentiments and ethnicity to ensure even development.
  He said he would accord traditional rulers, the youths and civil servants in the state a pride of place in his administration and would repeal any obnoxious laws that are impoverishing the people and those working in the civil service.
  Gwegwe stated emphatically that he would ensure regular payment of workers’ salaries, promotion areas, Christmas bonuses; yearly increments and pensions of retirees among other entitlements to enhance productivity, noting that the civil service is the engine room of government.
  According to him, when voted into power, modalities would be worked out so that as soon you are leaving the service, you go home along with all your constitutional entitlements- gratuities without victimization or oppression.
  He said his administration would not impoverish any worker or Bayelsan, stressing that he would meet regularly and consult with the people to formulate policies that would provide services that have direct bearing on their lives and enhance equitable distribution of wealth as well as move the state forward.
  The grassroot politician acknowledged the challenges facing the people and residents in the state capital, saying that everything would be done to uplift the state to the status of the Federal Capital Territory Abuja and improve the living status of Bayelsans and non-indigenes if given the mandate.
  On the drainage system in the state capital, he said he would adherence strictly to the state capital master plan and addresses it.
   Speaking further on his agenda, he disclosed his intention to work in collaboration with the members of the State Executive Council and the State House of Assembly to initiate policies that will attract genuine investors to the state and create employment opportunities for the youths to gain self-reliance.
   “Many non-indigenes that came to the state have left because of hardship. So I think if I am on board to administer the affairs of this state, I know the mistakes. So I’m going to learn from them. My policies will put food on the table of the people. If people are having food on their tables they wouldn’t have left the state. Many non-indigenous have left the state because of hardship. So, I think if I’m on board, I have seen and know the mistakes. So, I’m going to learn from the mistakes and change the state to better,” said Gwegwe.
   He used the forum to advise the people of the state to eschew money politics and vote credible candidates that would address the yearnings and the aspirations of the people.
  Gwegwe also enjoined the people of the state to unite irrespective of their political leanings to make the state excel. He counseled the youths to shun all forms of criminalities such as kidnapping, armed robbery and sea piracy and form cooperative societies to make their lives meaningful.
  He noted that when the state was created it was envious by other states, lamenting that the criminal activities perpetrating by some of the youths has been given the state a bad image.
  “At first when this state was created every part of this country was envying us. But for now these criminal activities is given the state bad image. We know that these similar acts are happening in other states but kidnapping, armed robbery, sea piracy among other social ills are not part of Ijaw man culture. Those involves in these nefarious acts among our youths should consider as a matter of urgent to immediately shun the act. They should direct their energy on useful ventures that would uplift their future,” Gwegwe asserted. 
  He warned the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct credible election in the state to ensure that only credible candidates with genuine manifesto that would address the yearnings and the aspirations of the people were elect into positions of trust in next year’s elections.
  The Ogiligba I of Atissa Kingdom blamed the various challenges confronting the state since the return to democratic rule in the country as a result of the inability of INEC to conduct free and fair election.
  Gwegwe further advised INEC and the electorates to shun money politics in the next year’s elections in order to pave way to elect new bloods into political offices to achieve the desired developments of the state.
  “For now, we are starting afresh because most of the elective positions on ground; governorship, House of Assembly, House of Senate and House of Representatives including the Local government councils are vacant. This is because most of them have served their two tenures. So, I believe this time that if INEC will come to their senses and behave well; nobody is going to influence anybody. Nobody is going to bribe anybody because the various offices are going to be vacant. The floor is free. Anybody can contest  now, “said Gwegwe.


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