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Group warns against bad governance of Nigeria .Urges APC, PDP to present genuine development blueprint

               By Austin Genesis
 A pro-democracy group under the aegis of Campaign for Democracy and Good Governance (CDGG) has warned against bad governance of the country.
   Speaking on contemporary issues about the nation and the way forward ahead of the 2019 general election, the National Coordinator of the group, Mr Majesty Inegbagha expresses fear that bad governance may collapse the country.
   Mr. Inegbagha who stated this in a chat with Global Overseer in Yenagoa, capital of Bayelsa state warned that unless the All Progressives Congress (APC) ruling government led by President Muhammadu Buhari change its current style of leadership, and adhere strictly to the nation’s constitution in piloting the affairs of the country for the corporate interest of all; devoid of autocratic tendencies, impunity, party’s affiliations, tribalism, ethnic and religious sentiments as well as deliberate oppression and victimization of innocent citizens, good governance may elude to cause anarchy and unbearable consequences.
Majesty Inegbagha
   He lamented that the expectations that Nigerians’ would see themselves as members of one indivisible family has become a nightmare, pointing out that since her amalgamation in 1914 by the arch imperialist, Lord Frederick Lugard the nation seemingly lacks national aims or purpose as well as common destiny to forge ahead as a country to achieve haven of peace, oneness and prosperity for the betterment of all.
   Inegbagha further observed that since the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorates over 104 years and the country’s attainment of independence 57years ago the nation continues to exist as if it is two countries instead of one.
   He noted with dismay that Nigerians have been broken, divided, betrayed, controlled and destituted by the special interests that called itself the “leadership” of Nigeria.
   CDGG National Coordinator warned the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to stop their war of words and come out with a genuine development blueprints in their party’s manifestoes that would adequately address the current myriad of problems bedeviling the country to move the nation forward.
   The move, he said would improve the living conditions of Nigerians who are currently facing unabated economic, social and political hardship to enthrone good governance for the country.
   While taken stock of the unsavoury political development in the nation, Mr Inegbagha implored the political party’s stalwarts and Nigerians to rise to the challenge of protecting democracy, pointing out that overheating the polity is capable of crippling the nation’s democracy.
   Noting that national leadership is not a right or privilege of any individual, neither royalty but service, he warned against any acts that would deprive eligible voters their rights to choose their elected representatives during the forthcoming general election.
   According to him the essence of democracy as a government by the people for the people and of the people is for the electorates to choose their leaders without interference by anybody.
 “No person placed in positions of trust whatsoever should use his privileged position to impose candidates on the people or hijack the mandates of the people. Such acts if perpetrated would promote bad governance and may derail democracy,” he stated.
   He blamed the numerous problems affecting the nation since attainment of independence as a result of bad leadership and governance.
  Inegbagha described the present presidential system of government operate in the country as unitary in nature. This, he consider the fact that since the incursion of military into politics in 1966, the centre (Federal Government dictates to the composing units (states); Revenue Accumulation at the centre with little or no regard to derivation.
   He advised President Buhari led APC ruling government to invoke the doctrine of necessity to immediate restructure the country using the 36 states as federating units before the 2019 general election.     
   According to him the move would promote democracy, good governance, peace, stability and prosperity of the country; adding that and the various agitations for self-determination across the country, the problems of insecurity and killings, armed robbery, kidnapping and  infrastructural degradation among other social ills would be a thing of the past if the country is restructured.
   He attributed the current economic hardship, hunger, abject poverty, high cost of living and the inflation of goods and services in the country; occasioned with high mass unemployment as a result of poor mismanagement of the nation’s economy, greed, selfishness and endemic corruption.
  CDGG observed that there is no actual war against corruption to enthrone good governance in the country, describing the ongoing war against corruption as political gimmick and a battle against imaginary enemies.
   “For war against corruption to be actually carried out, it should begin from the top to down”.
  He added that many businesses have closed down sequel to the harsh economy which had created mass unemployment; a situation he said has made many Nigerians become poorer and more disgruntled than ever before.
   He called for adequate measures to curtail proliferation of firearms across the country especially now that preparation for the 2019 general elections is on top gear.
 CDGG boss lamented that firearms which is an exclusive right of the federal government seems to be a right of criminals as proliferation of firearms is quiet in alarming rates to cause havoc, insecurity and killing of innocent citizens.
   “There is insecurity of lives and properties in the land as even in broad day light criminals perpetrate crimes successfully and go free”; he said.
   Inegbagha the stressed the need for government at levels to be sincere in all its dealings rather than using media propaganda to administer its affairs to under develop society.

   According to him the future of Nigeria depends solely in visionary and competent leadership which must be built on merit and industry; not ethnicity and corruption; courage and righteousness instead of cowardice and sycophancy, visions and integrity on the part of public functionaries instead of myopic and self interest.            

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