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Bayelsa SNC inauguration attracts mammoth crowd .Party pledges to accord welfare of workers, infrastructure major priority

     The inauguration of the state secretariat of one of the formidable political parties in the country under the aegis Save Nigeria Congress (SNC) in Bayelsa state the core of the Niger Delta Region attracts mammoth crowd.
The inauguration ceremony of the Bayelsa  state secretariat of Save Nigeria Congress (SNC) 
   Dignitaries from different walks of life and party stalwarts from the eight local government areas of the state turn out in their large numbers to witness the inauguration ceremony which took place at the ancient town of Obogoro in Yenagoa local government area in the state capital.
   Presenting his keynote address at the ceremony, the state chairman of the party, His Highness Okpoebi Righteous Gwegwe, Ogiligba I of Attisa Kingdom (JP), said the party will salvage the people of the state from the shackle of poverty, deprivation and under development through the provision of basic infrastructures that would have direct bearing on the lives of the people to curb the current abject poverty ravaging the state when it take over the control of the  machinery of government in 2019.
Highness Okpoebi Righteous Gwegwe, Ogiligba I of Attisa Kingdom (JP)
    According to Chief Gwegwe the party would accord high priority to the welfare of workers in the state through prompt payment of workers’ salaries, promotion arrears, leave bonus, Christmas bonus among other entitlements due workers including annual increments to enhance productivity in the civil service.
   The party Chieftain stated that the party in the state would also ensure prompt payment of the monthly pensions of retirees while backlog of arrears of gratuities would be paid top actualize the civil service constitutional responsibilities to workers as at when due.
   He called on the people of the state irrespective of their political affiliations or leanings to embrace the new party (SNC) in the state to move the state forward and actualized the dreams of the founding fathers of the state.
   Chief Gwegwe described the party as ordained by God to salvage the state from the present socio-economic, political and technological morass to portray the good image of the  Ijaw Nation to the outside world to attract investors to invest in the state to create employment opportunities for the teeming unemployed population.
   According to him the party is determine to build a qualitative enviable nation on the principle of democracy, rule of law, human rights and social justice.
   He commended the people for the large turn out to witness the inauguration ceremony , adding that the party belongs to all and stressed the need for the people of the state to unite and work together as an inseparable entity to realize the manifesto of the party in the state.

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