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2019 General Election: .Igirigi calls for coalition of Political Parties to sack Buhari’s APC regime

                  By Austin Genesis

 Sequel to the unabated socio-economic and political problems bedeviling the country and in a bid to move the nation forward, the former Bayelsa state Chairman of the Nigeria Legion, Elder ACG Igirigi Effiom has enjoined political parties in the country to form a formidable coalition that would vote the ruling Party All Progressives Congress led by President Muhammadu Buhari  out of Office in the next year’s general election.
Elder ACG Igirigi Effiom 

Elder Igirigi who made the call in an exclusive Interview with Global Overseer in Yenagoa, expresses fear stating emphatically that if APC is allowed to stay in power beyond May 29, 2019 the nation may face severe socio-economic and political hardship worse than the present situation we are facing.

He stressed the need for the rest of the political parties apart from APC to urgently meet and jointly present one credible presidential candidate that would attract the votes of all eligible voters in the country to unanimously vote APC out of powers in 2019.

The Former Legion Chairman berated the poor performance of the ruling All Progressives Congress under President Buhari for the past 3 years, describing it as a colossal failure.

He averred without mincing word that the party under President Buhari leadership has failed to actualize its electioneering promises to Nigerians, pointing out that the party has exhausted all its wisdom, knowledge and the capacity to rule the country and is in coma.

He warned therefore that if the party is allowed to come back again the nation may be put into unbearable predicament that Nigerians may no longer bear.

”We thought that the change will bring improvement in the country. But it is a complete failure. They came with the word change. And of course even then I was asking the type of change. When somebody talked of change, change could be positive or negative. Now, looking at it the APC change is negative.  Because the people have actually deviated from the way things supposed to be. It is a complete failure. I’m sorry to say this,” he stated.

He said categorically that Nigerians have not been so hungry and encountered economic hardship since her attainment of independence 57 years ago like what they are passing through under President Buhari’s administration.

Igirigi held that the APC administration under Buhari has also failed in the security aspect of the country, adding that the regime has no respect for rule of law and the judiciary.

“Even the security aspect of it people were not safe in Nigeria. The average Nigerians is not secure. The present government has no respect for the Judiciary.  We never expected this from this Government of the people because democracy is the Government of the people, by the people and for the people. But now, the reverse is the case. With this, there is no democracy,” he asserted.

He said that the problem of Nigeria today was caused by APC and PDP because they have mismanaged the nation’s economy.

On the insinuations that the Independent National Electoral Commission under the leadership of Prof Yakubu Mahmood may rig the 2019 presidential election in favour of the ruling party APC, Igirigi expressed diverse opinions saying that “ I don’t really believe that President Buhari will put INEC into his pocket going by what happened in Rivers and Zamfara States.

However, he warned that INEC should know that it has taken an oath of service with God and not man.

Therefore, he advised INEC to conduct credible election during the 2019 general election with the fear of God.

Igirigi also warned against use of thugs and arms during the 2019 general election. According to him the 2019 general election is not a game of carrying arms but it is a game of carrying manifest.

He enjoined all political party’s flag bearers to carry their manifestos and sell to the electorates and eschew acts that would cause violence and loss of lives during the election through the spirit of patriotism.     


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