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Bayelsa East Senator-Elect receives his Certificate of Return .Pledges to work selflessly with colleagues to move Nigeria forward

                      By Magens Inegba

     The Senator Elect for Bayelsa East Senatorial District under the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bishop Biobarakuma W. Degi-Eremienyo was on Thursday issued with Certificate of Return by the National Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu at the International Conference Centre, Abuja.
Bishop Biobarakuma W. Degi-Eremienyo,  Senator-Elect Bayelsa East
   The ceremony which took place in the morning attracted dignitaries from different walks of life both within and outside the country.
  It would be recalled that Bishop Degi-Eremienyo defeated his political opponents during the February 23rd Presidential and the National Assembly’s elections to emerge winner owning to his excellent track records; high level of performance and his farsighted leadership qualities while in government that attracted him mammoth support.
   The Bayelsa East Senator-Elect holds a Degree in Agricultural Economics and extension, and Master of Business Administration in Management. He is a Chartered Human Resources Manager and member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management. Bishop Degi-Eremienyo after a brief stint with banking at Pan African Bank joined politics with the motive to render selfless service to the people.
   As a trusted and reliable man of generosity and proven uprightness who sees himself as a servant to the people at all times, the electorates voted for him overwhelming during the election.
   Unlike those who always see themselves as kings, Bishop Degi-Eremienyo attached public interest from past records above personal gains. That was why his candidature attracts the unanimous support of patriotic sons and daughters of the senatorial district.
    Bishop Degi-Eremienyo as a core indigene of Nembe has worked in the private and public sectors and has gained outstanding wealth of experience to ensure effective representation.
   Also, his enormous support is based on the fact that he is a renowned grass root politician who had served as councilor, vice chairman and 2ndelected chairman of Nembe Local Government Council and was uplifted to the position of Commissioner in the State Executive Council owing to his good track records.
   He had served the state and the nation selflessly and meritoriously as Honorable Commissioner of Local Government, Rural Development and Chieftaincy Affairs, Honouraable Commissioner of Health, Member, Governing Council, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta –Ogun state and as an Executive Director Human Resources and Administration, Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA), Abuja. In all these he has contributed selflessly to societal development and nation building to enhance the socio-economic well being of the people.
   The Senator-Elect, in fact is an embodiment of proven worthiness, abhors indiscipline, courage, accessibility and liberality which is lacking seriously in society.
   Noting that the National Assembly seats are positions of trust meant for those who posses consummate leadership qualities with wealth of experience to ensure efficient representation, they cast their votes overwhelmingly for Degi-Eremienyo, an outspoken, vibrant astute politician who hates injustice and oppression.
    In fact one of the reasons that endeared the people most to unanimous vote for him is the glaring fact that in a society where people are engrossed with unquenching craving for wealth and material acquisition, Bishop Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo adheres strictly to the moral laws of politics based on honesty, kindness, decency and the consideration of others in all his dealings.
  Speaking with newsmen shortly  after receiving his Certificate of Return, the Bayelsa East Senator-Elect expressed deep appreciation to God Almighty, the APC leaders and stalwarts, Chiefs, his mammoth supporters, the electorates among others for given him the mandate to serve them.
Bishop  Degi- Eremienyo in a chat with journalists shortly after he received his certificate of return
     He described the event as memorable and expressed his determination to run an all inclusive administration that would carry all the people and communities along devoid of ethnic sentiment.
   He added that he would operate an open door policy to create the enabling environment for useful suggestions that would move the Senatorial District forward.

   Bishop Degi-Eremienyo also pledged to work assiduously and selflessly by the help of God with his colleagues to create the desired harmonious relationship between the Executive and the Legislative arms of the federal government to move the nation ahead.
     In his keynote address, the Chairman of the commission, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, said the issuance of the certificates is a statutory function to validate the electoral victory of the lawmakers before they would be sworn in at the inauguration of the incoming 9th National Assembly.
Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, INEC Chairman
   According to him, the commission will immediately commenced the post 2019 election activities and also begin preparation for the 2023 General Elections.
   He also tasked the lawmakers to commence and conclude legislative actions on the amendments of the electoral laws, pointing out that passage of laws few weeks to election dates are not in the interest of the nation’s democratic development.
   There was rowdiness at the roads and entrances to the centre, with security agents especially the Police and the SSS having hectic time to control the surging crowd of people wanting to gain entrance to the centre.


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