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Why Bayelsans rejoice over Bishop Degi-Eremienyo’s election victory

                                    By Majesty Inegba
  Dignitaries and People from different walks of life particularly the indigenes of Ogbia, Nembe and Brass local government areas, turnout in their large numbers to celebrate the victory of Bishop Biobarakuma W. Degi-Eremienyo, the Senator – elect for Bayelsa East Senatorial District at the poll.
Bishop Biobarakuma W. Degi-Eremienyo, Senator – elect for Bayelsa East 
   His victory at the poll which is the desired interest of the people, it is enthusiastic to note that when the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) announced the result on his emergence as Senator-elect for the senatorial district, the people at the nooks and crannies of the area were filled with overwhelming jubilation thanking God Almighty, dancing and drinking.
  This euphoria that greeted his victory was with several reasons considering the fact that the right candidate of their choice whom they massively voted for has won the election.
  The people’s happiness is also the realization of reality that the National Assembly elective positions of trust is meant for only those who posses’ exemplary leadership qualities and the desired wealth of experience needed to ensure effective representation.
   Their jubilation in addition, is the fact that the office is destined for God fearing people with impeccable character who attach public interest above their personal gains. It is ordained for people with deep understanding of the yearnings and the aspirations of the people to occupy.
   So, they were joyous noting that the Senator-Elect, Bishop Degi-Eremienyo the right choice of the people has won the election because obviously, the office is not meant for the inexperience, self-centered and greedy people whose motive behind their entry into politics is borne out of egocentric desire to amass wealth at the detriment of people.
   The people noted with confidence that Bishop Degi-Eremienyo has the pedigree, foresight, wisdom and the boldness to ensure purposeful and effective representation that would bring the dividends of democracy for the people.
   Checks have revealed and it is sad to note that since the inception of democratic rule from 1999 to date, most of our representatives at the National Assembly sees elective positions as political appointment for personal gains and self-enrichment; and have not make any tangible impact towards the development of their constituencies for the overall benefit of the people of the state.
   That is why those who fail should throw their weight behind the winners because election should not be taking as a do or die affairs but it is the wishes of the people to vote who will effectively represent them. Those going for Tribunals after elections they have the right to go but also they should know that it is difficult to change God’s ordained winners.
    It would be recalled that Bishop Biobarakuma W. Degi-Eremienyo is a tested, trusted, vibrant and a pragmatic visionary leader of exceptional leadership qualities who has lived up to the exception of the people before this time. They people are happy over his victory and that happiness will live with them forever.
  Therefore, his victory at the poll is a blessing for all devoid of discriminations. 

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