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Why money, propaganda can’t elect a Governor for Bayelsans

                                             By Austin Genesis

The expectation by some political analysts, observers and commentators among some inordinate politicians who are desperate to win election by all means that money and propaganda can elect a Governor for the people of Bayelsa state in the last November 16 Governorship election held in the state is a nightmare. 
Ibrahim Tanko Mohammed, CJN                                                       Zainab Adamu Bulkachuwa, 
                                                                                                                           OFR President of the Nigerian courts of appeal

These people based their analysis and assessment on the outcome of the 2011 and 2015 governorship election where as a result of the prevailing circumstances of the abject poverty and endemic corruption, money and propaganda played a greater role to ensure the victory of the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the governorship election at that time.
Indeed investigations have shown that much money has been allegedly expended by the Peoples Democratic Party to raise one forms of propaganda or the other; including the alleged bought over of the electoral body, the court and the electorates to vote for the candidate of the party to win those elections.
However, the Peoples Democratic Party’s expectations the same method will yield positive result for the party’s candidate at the last month’s governorship election in the state has absolutely proved abortive.
Investigations have shown that before this time the PDP was alleged had perfected plans to sponsor some chieftains of the APC to scuttle its governorship primaries to pave way for the party not to have candidate to fly the ticket of the party during the last governorship election in the state.
The scenario has led to different litigations against the earlier direct governorship primaries adopted by the Bayelsa stakeholders as the mode of its primary.
This battle continues until in the High Court in Yenagoa ruled that the APC should adopt “Direct Primaries” to conduct its Governorship Primaries in the state.
Our correspondents who monitored the party’s primaries boldly reported that the Direct primaries took place at the wards levels.
According to the result as announced by the APC Chief Coalition Officer, Senator Emmanuel Dangana in Yenagoa, Capital of Bayelsa state, Chief David Lyon emerged the winner of the concluded governorship primary in the state.
He scored 42,138 votes to defeat his closed rival, Diseye Poweigha Nsirim, who scored 1,533 votes in the primary conducted on Wednesday 4th day of September by APC Bayelsa State Governorship Primary Election Committee chaired by the Yobe State Governor, Mai-Mala Buni who doubles as the Returning Officer.
According to the Chief Coalition Officer, the mode was direct primary as agreed by Bayelsa Stakeholders and confirmed by the Party’s National Working Committee.
The party adopted the Direct primaries mode to select the candidate to fly its flag in the November 16 governorship election in Bayelsa.
Despite the glaring fact that Chief David Lyon won the party’s governorship primary the battle to ensure that APC has no candidate for the election continue.
The ruling party in the state was gripped with perpetual fear over the unprecedented support of the APC candidate, David Lyon and his running mate, Senator Biobarakuma Degi as they wind off their campaigns at the nooks and crannies of the state.
PDP party knowing it well that the candidate of the APC, David Lyon and Senator Biobarakuma Degi acquired the legal constitutional requirements to contest the governorship election in the state and won, thought that PDP can will the governorship election in the state with money; thus come, the ruling of the Federal High Court, Abuja, on Tuesday, purportedly disqualified the APC running mate in the state.
While this issue was addressed by the Appeal court  who granted APC stay of execution another High Court in Yenagoa a day to the election performed desperate wonders  over the APC’s governorship primary election to achieve PDP ploy to win the election in court, but it does not occurred the way it think.
This does not marvel the electorates and patriotic citizens of Bayelsa State knowing it well that corruption, a global malaise has not been known to absolutely spare any nation in the world, Nigeria unexceptional.
By all indications; corruption had become frightening indeed. It pervaded the national atmosphere and overwhelmed all levels of Government agencies among others; and continued its rampaging course across the socio-economic political landscape of Nigeria to create the deep morass of the present time.
Certainly, while PDP thought it will use money and propaganda to win the election in the state, it is very unfortunate to the party.
The party has forgotten that not all “The Courts” are corrupt that will pave the way for it, to achieve its inordinate motive at the detriment of the electorates choice of the APC’ Candidate, Chief David Lyon and Senator Biobarakuma Degi to take over the mantle of leadership of the State next year’s February 14, 2020.
In the contemporary Nigeria Society today the Court presently is made up of majority of persons of impeccable characters who attach importance to public interest above personal gains than those few who have interest to amass wealth at the detriment of the people.
It is a truism that the Judiciary is the last hope of the common man in a political desert of despair.
Therefore, the electorates in the state have the fervent hope for the Judiciary on this significant matter.
This is because indisputably the last November 16 Bayelsa State governorship election has been adjudged as the most peaceful, free, fair and credible election ever conducted in the since the returned to democratic rule from 1999 to date.
Indeed, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) led by Prof Mahmood Yakubu deserves overwhelming commendations.
Obviously, in every election there must be a winner or losers. But in this election, the losers must embrace the spirit of sportsmanship to congratulate the winner and not to take election as a do or die affair or even to go to court.
The landslide victory of the Gubernatorial Candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief David Lyon as Governor-Elect for Bayelsa state as declared by INEC Returning Officer, Prof Faraday Orumwense, Vice Chancellor of the University of Benin as winner with a total of 352,552 against the PDP Candidate, Douye Diri, who polled 143,172 votes is the true decision of the electorates.
Then, where is the need to go to court as the electorates constitutionally empowered to vote have decided.
It is enthusiastic to note that before the November 16 governorship election in the state, renowned genuine impeccable organizations have predicted the victory of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the said Bayelsa state governorship election.

One of such organizations is the Nigerian Guild of Investigative Journalists (NGIJ) which states in its Caption published by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) “PDP’s defeat in Bayelsa governorship poll confirms investigative journalists’ findings — Official”.

The Nigerian Guild of Investigative Journalists (NGIJ) says the defeat of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) by All Progressives Congress (APC) in the Nov.16 governorship elections in Bayelsa has further confirmed its findings prior to the polls.

NGIJ made this known in a statement issued on Tuesday by the Public Relations Officer of the Guild, Adeyemi Obadimu.
Obadimu said that the highest number of respondents to the guild’s questionnaire on assessment of the Seriake Dickson administration in Bayelsa state hinted that they would vote for the APC during the governorship election.
 “Therefore, the result of the Bayelsa governorship election declared by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on Nov. 17, 2019 confirmed NGIJ findings in Bayelsa,” he added.
He, however, said that the overall findings of the guild’s assessment of Gov. Dickson’s administration through inferences from the questionnaire and interactions with different stakeholders revealed that PDP government improved on education, health and security.
The stakeholders added that power supply and rural development were still suffering due to lack of attention from the state government.
The guild, however, advised all political office holders to focus more on people-oriented programmes and projects and be transparent in discharging their responsibilities.
It also noted that transparency and trustworthiness were the key components of leadership that engendered trust between the government and the governed.
Obadimu emphasised that leaders who failed to fulfill their electoral promises quickly lost loyalty and support of their followers, urging politicians to remember always that power belonged to the people. (NAN)
Apparently, the choice of Chief David Lyon and Senator Biobarakuma Degi as Governor-Elect and Deputy on November 16 Governorship elections in the state bothered on number of factors.
First, the All Progressives Congress (APC) has presented credible God fearing Governorship Candidate and running mate that is widely accepts by the electorates while the PDP Governorship Candidate and his running mate were unilaterally imposed on the party’s members and the electorates with the hope that money can deliver them at the poll.
The party (PDP) has ruled the state for 20years by different governors who worked tirelessly toward the transformation of the state according to their vision and experience.
Under the administration of Governor Henry Seriake Dickson he has tried his best according to his vision and knowledge.
But what makes the electorates to jettison PDP Candidates and voted massively for the Candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief David Lyon and his Deputy, Senator Biobarakuma Degi is attributed to the bad leadership of Governor Dickson’s administration.
The stringent and inhuman policies of the administration that has inflicted unbearable suffering, economic hardship, abject poverty and hunger on the people, particularly taking the governance of the state as private affairs to the detriment of the populace amongst other social ills were some of the major factors that compelled the electorates irrespective of the political party they belong to vote the Peoples Democratic Party out of office.
Undeniably, every patriotic Bayelsans can testify that the PDP’s administration under Governor Dickson about 8years in office now has caused intolerable anguish and privation to the people of the state and the non-indigenes living in the state.
The administration is very tyrannical and autocratic. All policies initiated by the administration are policies that are self-centered and oppressive.
Democracy which is a government of the people by the people for the people is no longer there.
Despite the fact that the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria spelt out that sovereignty belongs to the people, from whom government derives all powers and authority, adding the fact that this provision affirmed that security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.
But it is sad to note that his regime abandoned this provision in the administration of the affairs of the state.
The state is ruled by cabal headed by Governor Dickson thereby subjecting the populace to perpetual suffering in various ways under his administration.
It is a truism that the economy of the state is in doldrums as deduction of civil servants salaries and under stepping of their salaries grade levels has become a major source of revenue for the state. Retirees of the state also have not been paid their backlog of gratuities owed them, thus inflicting them with perpetual economic hardship and misery.
Most of those in positions of trust under the regime have forgotten the masses as they have seen the privilege as an opportunity to amass wealth at the disadvantage of the people.
Horrendous economic hardship, high cost of living, insecurity and killings as well as  poor living environment is the order of the day.
Under Governor Dickson tyrannical leadership, he does not listen to anybody but you must obey his commands.
Unquestionably, Bayelsans were tired of his style of administration which if unchanged and allow to continue the inhabitants will face an insufferable situation that they would not survive at all.
The people also realized that gone are the days when people will use guns, thugs and all forms of criminal tendencies to hijack the mandate of the people to enrich them, impoverish and under develop the people as is currently happening in the state; thus unite and unanimously vote the party out of office.
The people become aware now that elective positions of trust are preordained for only those who have indelible and enviable track records, foresight, wisdom and boldness to ensure purposeful leadership that would bring the dividends of democracy to the people.
The office of the Governor of a state is an office destined for God fearing people with impeccable character who attach importance to public interest above personal gains.
The office obviously is not meant for the inexperience, self-centered people and greedy politicians whose motive behind entry into politics is borne out of egocentric desire to amass wealth at the detriment of the people.
Bayelsans electorates vote massively for Chief David Lyon and Senator Degi because the duo possesses exemplary leadership qualities and the wealth of experience required to administer the affairs of the state in the interest of all.
The duo (David Lyon and Senator Degi) posses the seven principles of public life – selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership which are the basic requirement for good leadership to transform the state to a haven of peace, prosperity and unity for the overall benefit of all devoid of sentiments, nepotism and marginalization.
Undoubtedly, Bayelsa electorates voted overwhelmingly for them because the duo are matured and experienced men of rare wisdom, and are tested leaders of exceptional leadership acumen, generosity and integrity to succeed Governor Dickson.
It would be recalled that the outgoing Governor desperation to impose his close associate, Senator Douye Diri and Senator Lawrence Ewhrujakpor to Bayelsans as Governor and Deputy was disappointed at the poll.
Bayelsans indeed has expressed their mind and their need by voting for the APC candidate.
In fact, sovereignty belongs to the people, the electorates are the people constitutional empowered to vote person of their choice as Governor of the state.
The people have taking the final decision to vote candidate of their choice out of the 45 political parties that contested in the election.
Why only one man will be desperate to go to court here and there just to waste the billion of naira so far accumulated.
The APC candidate, Chief David Lyon and Senator Biobarakuma Degi are the choice of the people who will administer the affairs of Bayelsa state on the interest of all.  So, they are the choice of the people waiting to be sworn in on February 14, next years.
Therefore, all Nigerians irrespective of their political leanings should support the wishes of the people of Bayelsa state.
It would be recalled that the APC conduct transparent direct party primary and David Lyon won. But the PDP choice of candidate is not popular and the people voted the party out of office in Bayelsa state.
It is a truism that various sponsored court cases instituted against the Governor-Elect and his running mate Senator Biobarakuma Degi before the governorship  election was not unconnected with the PDP desperation to use any false means to ascend into power but Bayelsans electorates disappointed them despite the billions of naira wasted during the election.
Bayelsans gesture to firmly vote the candidate of their choice during the November 16 governorship election in the state despite the billions of naira at their disposal from PDP is commendable and a step in the right direction. The tempo should be maintained in subsequent elections.
The APC Governor-Elect won six (6) local government areas out of the eight (8). This is an eloquent testimony that the people want him to serve them.
The God Almighty is with them before, during and after the election. There was nothing like loss of life during and after the election.
In fact, it is interesting to note that the security agents played a neutral role during the election just as INEC did while the people vote according to conscience in a peaceful and orderly manner.
What Bayelsans are waiting now is the peaceful swearing in of the Governor-Elect, Chief David Lyon and his Deputy, Senator Biobarakuma Degi.
They are renowned, humane and detribalized leaders of utmost generosity and foresightedness who will accord high priority to the welfare of the people above personal gains.
They have the exceptional leadership qualities to serve the people with the fear of the Almighty God. More grease to your elbow as Bayelsans and the Almighty God is behind you.

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