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Medical expert allays fear over corona virus in Nigeria .Oyo NUJ Warns Social Media/Online Patrons Against Spreading False News

By Our Correspondent

   A renowned Medical Expert, Histopathology Consultant from the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Maiduguri, Prof Haruna Nggada  has allays the fear  over the few cases of the corona virus detected in Lagos and Abuja in Nigeria, saying that there is no need to panic.
  This was sequel to the alarming fear created by the social, electronics and some print media over the corona virus detected in Lagos and Abuja in Nigeria, resulting to declaration of some undesirable policies that is creating economic hardship to many citizens of the country particularly the less privilege as measures to curtail the pandemic.
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   Prof Haruna unfolded significant information about the corona disease to prevent unnecessary
    According to him “Corona is a large virus. The diameter of the virus is 400-500 micro, so that any type of mask can prevent entry into our bodies and does not need to use expensive masks.
   Corona virus does not float in the air, but sticks to objects, so that transmission is not through the air.
   When attached to a metal surface, the corona virus can live for 12 hours. Washing hands with soap and water is enough.
   When attached to a cloth, the corona virus can live for 9 hours, so washing clothes or drying it in the sun for 2 hours is enough to kill it.
    When attached to the hand, the corona virus can live for 10 minutes, so that it provides an alcohol-based _sterilizer enough to be on guard.
    When in the air at temperatures 26-27 ° C, the corona virus will die so it does not live in hot areas. In addition, drinking hot water and basking in the sun is enough as a precaution.
Avoiding cold foods and drinks including ice cream is very important.
      Gargling to deep with warm water and salt will kill the corona virus around the pharynx (landslide - Jw.) And prevent it from entering the lungs”.
   He asserted categorically that the aforesaid instructions are enough to prevent the corona virus and reiterated need for Nigerians not to fear but to spread the preventive measures to the people.
   Meanwhile, Oyo State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) on Sunday warned against creation of tension in the country with fake news on the spread of the deadly CoronaVirus disease.
   The union in a statement made available to journalists in Ibadan jointly signed by its Chairman, Alhaji Ademola Babalola and Secretary, Comrade Sola Oladapo also announced the setting up of an 11+man adhoc committee on adequate reportage of COVID -19 in Oyo State.
Oyo NUJ in the statement noted that “there is danger in further spread of fake news and as professionals, we must be seen to be above boards.”, saying, the time has come for the social media/Online patrons ” to be vigilant and sieve the news on Covid-19 in order not to fall victim of fake news”.
   According to Oyo NUJ in the statement, “apart from our investigative efforts to draw government and public attention to some of the untold stories of the ravaging virus, we must also work with the relevant stakeholders to synergise efforts at stamping out the virus in our immediate environment and across the globe.”, it said.
   “In view of disinformation, outright falsehood and illogical news items being churned out to the public by ’emergency journalists’ in this time of ravaging Coronavirus otherwise known as ‘Covid -19’, the executive of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Oyo State on Sunday announced an 11-man ad-hoc committee to accurately report happenings in the Pacesetters State to douse the tension in the land.”it said.
   The union stated that” there is the need for media practitioners to be up to the task and assist the relevant stakeholders in properly channelling the right information to the public and those in authority, for us to stem the tide of the virus”, saying, “to this end, the ad-hoc committee has been charged to work with the leader of the State Task Force Committee on Covid-19, Governor Seyi Makinde; local government officials; the management of the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan; the Nigerian Medical Association; market leaders, community heads and other stakeholders across the State”.
    While cautioning the social media/Online patrons to be vigilant and sieve the news on Covid-19 in order not to fall victim of fake news, Oyo NUJ tasked the committee to adopt the recent statement from the NUJ national secretariat which called the attention of the government to close down some institutions including the nation’s airports and allow only the esential service providers like the hospitals, media, banks and a number of others to function optimally, to safeguard the health of citizens.
   Oyo NUJ listed members of the 11 man adhoc committee as Mrs Bukola Oriowo of Channels Television, Mrs. Jadesola Ajibola (NAWOJ Chairperson); Mrs. Sade Oguntola; Alhaji Abiodun Akinkunle (Chairman, BCOS, Chapel); Dr. Tade Oludayo, Dr. Bayo Faleke, Mrs. Rofiah Animasahun-Badmus; Alhaja Ramat Alade; Comrade Khalid Wale; Alhaja Aminat Busari-Adeleke, Mr. Akeem Abass as the Committee Secretary.
It would be recalled that a  group under the aegis of Save Nigeria for Economic Woes Corruption and Hardship (SNEWCH)  had earlier warned against over exaggeration of the corona virus in the country, expressing fear that if the trend is not immediately check  it may lead to economic hardship, hunger, inflation  and jeopardize the nation’s economy.
   The group added that the scenario if allowed to continue it may also lead to the closure of the markets, the transport sector, offices and all gathering in the country as well as movement of goods and service and create unbearable hardship to the people, particularly the less privilege in society.
   This, it stated emphatically that since schools and tertiary institutions were ordered to close down as  measures to curtail the spread of the disease through contact, the markets, the transport sector and gatherings are major areas where people meet daily in great numbers.
   He said Government should take active measures to proffer solutions in the two states the disease  were allegedly detected and stop raising alarm as if the whole country is affected by the disease thus creating an opportunities for some persons to benefit in the system and cause untold hardship on the people.
   The group in a press statement issued in Yenagoa, capital of Bayelsa state by it Coordinator , Comrade Mac-Inegba Robinson condemned in its entirety the way and manner the electronic and the social media is exaggerating the coronavirus disease over the 13 cases allegedly detected  as if the spread is all over the country.
  The organization allays the fear saying that the disease will die a natural death henceforth in Nigeria.
   But now what the organization predicts is happening now. It called on the federal and states government to pay workers salaries immediately to address the current hardship facing them now.

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