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Governor Douye Diri’s Easter message exults Bayelsans

    By Austin Genesis

    Governor Senator Douye Diri of Bayelsa State Easter message has been described as a source of joy to the people of the state considering the present economic hardship confronting several families in the state.
Senator Douye Diri, Governor of Bayelsa State

   The joy of the people was sequel to the statement accredited to the governor as saying that the pandemic was only a temporary setback as "there is always light at the end of the dark tunnel."
   Some Bayelsans while reacting to the Governor’s message who spoke to Global Overseer on condition of anonymity, pleaded that henceforth the state government should send relief materials to the respective community leaders in the state and not through Local Government Chairmen if the relief materials are meant for the people and not political party members.
  Commending the Governor for the steps so far taken to curtail the pandemic in the state, they also appeal to maintain the tempo by refraining from stringent policies that could aggravate the current hardship facing the people.
   The Governor in his message contained in a press release by his Acting Chief Press Secretary, Mr Daniel Alabrah enjoined Christians to remain steadfast and keep their hope in Jesus Christ alive in the face of the daunting COVID-19 challenges at this time.
 Senator Diri admonished Christians not to be despaired by the pains brought about by COVID-19.
   He noted that the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, offered great hope to everyone that believes in Him and in the overcoming power of His resurrection, which the season of Easter exemplifies.
   While praying for healing for everyone who has been infected by the coronavirus, he said his administration had taken measures to prevent its spread into the state and that the measures would be frequently reviewed in accordance with prevailing circumstances.
   His words: "This year, like millions of people the world over, we mark Easter in an uncommon and perplexing background of fear, worries and death. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the whole world, has also upset the way Easter is celebrated.
   "In the midst of all these desperate moments, the message of Easter endures as one of courage and hope. As Christians, let us be encouraged by the words in Corinthians 4:8: “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair.”
   "Let us be reminded that despite the difficulties we might be experiencing at this time due to Covid-19, Christ died so we might live. And He rose again from the dead to give us authority and boldness to confront death, destruction, fear, doubt and insecurity.
    "Our government will continue in solidarity with all Bayelsans, both in prayers and in all policies that will make the lives of our people better.
   "I am hopeful that COVID-19 will come to an end very soon. At the end of every dark lining, there is light. So, there is hope for Bayelsa, there is hope for Nigeria and there is equally hope for mankind."


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