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Why sponsored ghost media blackmail of calumny against Senator Degi-Eremienyo -Choice of the people

By Genesis Austin

As political activities hot up in the country some political aspirants have engaged themselves in sponsoring ghost persons in the media to embark on media campaigns of blackmail and calumny against their political opponent whom the party’s stalwarts and the electorates have endorsed to be returned unopposed in the forthcoming 2023 general election, instead of presenting their manifestos to the people.

Senator Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo


The Senator Representing Bayelsa East Senatorial District, Senator Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo has exceptionally performance well at the National Assembly, and patriotic, foresighted and development- oriented-people of the area want him to contest for a second tenure to render his rare selfless service to the people.

 Senator Degi-Eremienyo, a trailblazer and God sent foresighted leader; a man of openhandedness and impeccable character endowed with rare wisdom, has ensure effective representation, and discharge his statutory duties creditably, especially the people-oriented bills he had sponsored and the motions he had moved adding to other activities that he had embarked upon which had direct positive impacts on the yearnings and the aspirations of people.

The senator was lauded for his even distribution of the dividends of democracy to the nooks and crannies of his senatorial district to improve the qualities of lives of the people.

He was recognized by all well- meaningful development-oriented democrats in the area and beyond as one of the few contemporary Nigerians that have demonstrated progressive credentials through hard work, sagacity, selfless service and commitment towards the improvement of the socio-economic and political well-being of the people.

It is noted that within the short period in office, the Senator has fulfilled his electioneering promises to the people and still working assiduously, noting the developmental challenges in his state, Niger Delta region and Nigeria in general.

Undoubtedly, Senator Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo is a man of unparalleled achievements. He is a bridge builder and helper of the down trodden.

He has stamped his foot on the sand of time. That was why visionary constituents always extol him for actualizing his electioneering campaign promises and according high premium to the welfare of the people, and infrastructural development amongst others.

The people who have no skeleton hiding in their cupboard described Senator Degi-Eremienyo as a Nigerian who has impacted many lives and greatly contributed to improving the polity.

During the occasion of his 63rd  birthday,  many and sundry joined  the family members, friends and political associates in rejoicing with him for marking the day, considering his unparalleled achievements.

Indeed, Senator Degi- Eremienyo has never fail any election since his entry into politics.

Those who know is political antecedents called him “A leader of leaders, political strategist and an astute administrator.”

He has been unwavering in his commitment to the unity of Nigeria, and in his belief in its destiny as a great nation with a happy and prosperous people, despite the current challenges of nation-building, apart from being an inspiration to many.

People thanked him for sincerely devoting his life to public service with extraordinary courage and diligence and describing him as an architect of modern Bayelsa East Senatorial District effective representation.

This was not unconnected with his exceptional leadership, courage, forthrightness and diligence in providing exemplary and broadminded leadership for the people.

But, it is ludicrous to sight on the social media, a story with the caption” Ex-Militant Leader Kicks Against Biobarakuma’s Re-Election Bid” accredited to one Mr Igoniko Oduma, on April 26, 2022 online defamatory publication of Independent against the senator at UGHELLI in Delta state.

It behooves necessary to state here emphatically that Senator Degi-Eremienyo has all the chances to be returned unopposed in 2023 under the platform of All Progressives Congress (APC).

Therefore, those who think media campaign of blackmail and calumny may enable them to achieve their inordinate, do or die affair, selfish political career should waste their limited resources to sponsoring defamatory stories that would yield them no interest.

It would be recalled that Senator Degi-Eremienyo has won all sponsored court cases against the wrong spelling of his name that the Supreme Court, judged against the victory of him and David Lyon governorship election which every well-meaning Nigerian have known.

Anyone who think that he is a sacred cow should continue to propagate falsehood and face the consequences.

Already, scores of different organizations, youths, Chiefs and women organizations, the elites and electorates are waiting to cast their votes for Senator Degi-Eremienyo during next year’s election.

In a democratic system of government anybody who is qualify can sell his manifesto to the electorates, rather than applying selfish tendencies against the wishes of the people.

Senator Degi-Eremienyo for now is their choice, therefore no amount of blackmail can debar his victory at the poll because he is constitutionally empowered to contest for a second tenure. After all, people are contesting for 3rd, 4th and even seventh tenure in Bayelsa and Delta states and the electorates are prepared to vote for them.

Senator Degi-Eremienyo deserves a second tenure. Therefore, all and sundry should rally around him, as he will continue to carry all along but they should wait for their turn in next elections.





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