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2023: Why Amgbare wants Nigerians to vote for Tinubu as next President

By Inegbagha Majesty

 A Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Coordinator of the Joint Council to Tinubu Support Group and all the affiliate bodies supporting the course of Tinubu’s Presidency in Bayelsa State, Prince Ebitimi Amgbare has given reasons why Nigerians should shun political leanings and religious differences and unanimously vote the Candidate of APC, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu as Nigeria’s next President in 2023 general election. 

Tinubu's visit to Kano, home far away from home - Vanguard News
Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu, APC Presidential Candidate

 Prince Amgbare who made the appeal in Yenagoa on Saturday during an exclusive interview with Global Overseer Newspaper Editor, said emphatically that the All Progressives Congress Presidential Candidate, Senator Tinubu is the best and most prepared among the presidential standard bearers to rule Nigeria, and address the myriad of challenges bedeviling the nation to meet the yearnings and the aspirations of the people if elected.

I Have The Popularity To Win For The Party-- Prince Ebitimi Amgbare -  NATIONAL TRUMPET
Prince Ebitimi Amgbare

  He added that Senator Tinubu as an experienced management accountant, financial strategist, and accomplished political administrator, who has extensive connections stretching across decades of corporate employment, social activism and politics, is accustomed to making big growth dreams come true.

According to him Senator Tinubu possesses all the right human qualities and capacity to effectively unite Nigerians and tackle the problems of insecurity, endemic poverty, mass unemployment, inflation and high cost of living  and restore the deteriorating state of the nation’s economy, the value of Naira and free Nigerians from the present challenges when elected.

He asserted that Senator Tinubu has track record of achievement, which no other candidate has, stressing that his competence for the job stands out in his famous and outstanding performance as governor of Lagos State.

Tinubu as governor, he said has transformed political administration and employed different measures to improve service delivery and system efficiency in the state public sector.

“He is the best and the most prepared to rule Nigeria. Let me take you back to the rough days of the military. He led and stood firmly and worked selflessly and assiduously to restore democracy in Nigeria. And there is a common saying that if you value something you will do more for that thing. It was because of the value he had for democracy he fought for democracy.

And when he became a Senator he proved that he valued democracy. He worked very well as the Chairmen of Finance Committee and Appropriation. The present PDP National Chairman was the Senator President as at then; the President said Senator Tinubu was outstanding as Chairman of Senator Committee on Finance and Appropriation. Now, when he became governor of Lagos state and till tomorrow the records are there for all to see. That he came out with a plan, 25 years’ development plan for Lagos State. And that plan has been followed till today and we are seeing that Lagos State is on the path of growth. Lagos State is improving on all fronts. The economy is improving. Infrastructure is improving. Environment is improving. The health sector is improving. You see development. Lagos is one State, the only state in Nigeria that you can see development on all fronts. Every sector is receiving attention because Senator Tinubu laid that kind of plan for Lagos. If you come to Lagos and you try to disrupt that kind of process the people will remove you. So, he will transform the entire country, when elected,” he said.

On the joint ticket of the APC Presidential Candidate, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu and his running mate, Senator Kashim Shettima, he described it as the best because the country’s political situation needs capable, committed and detribalize persons of integrity who will foster national cohesion, adding that their victory would eliminate religious and ethnic division among Nigerians and enhance peace and stability of the nation.

He described the critics of Muslim-Muslim ticket as persons who have nothing good to offer for the peace and development of the nation.  According him, Tinubu’s choice of Senator Shettima as his running mate is because of his competent and he is reliable to join him in the task of accelerating national growth and development.

Prince Amgbere averred that the President in awaiting is a consummate democrat who has the mind of a genius and is not ruled by caprices and emotion, instead, he is a rational, kind hearted, enterprising and magnanimous in his dealings with people, no doubt will carry all people and the regions of the country along when elected, devoid of ethnic and religious sentiments.

On the chances of Senator Tinubu winning the poll in Bayelsa state, Prince Amgbare said that apart from his unparalleled track records which his opponents from other political parties does not have, Bayelsans will vote massively for the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) because it is the turn of the south to produce the next president, and would not vote against power rotation arrangement in the country.

He said the North has ruled for eight years and therefore it is the turn of the south to produce the president in 2023. The APC Chieftain commended the Northern governors for their active role of shifting power to the South. He said, if you look at the political permutations they are also in his favour apart from the fact that he is a very good, sellable and marketable candidate. He used the forum to advised the electorates not to sell their votes during the election but they should turn out in large numbers and vote for the APC Presidential Candidate, Senator Tinubu.              

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