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Anyama Clan Confers Prestigious Chieftaincy Title NDDC Boss * Hails President Tinubu On His Appointment

 By Majesty Inegbagha

The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Chief (Dr.) Samuel Ogbuku has been conferred with a prestigious chieftaincy title “Edi One of Obhan Anyama” by the Ezue Obhan Anyama and the Traditional Rulers Council of the area.

Chief (Dr.) Samuel Ogbuku

The Obanobhan I of Obhan Anyama, His Majesty King Omie A. Theophilus bestowed the conferment on him at a grand reception organized in his honour by the Ezue Obhan Anyama in collaboration with the Clan Head and the area Traditional Rulers Council at Onuebum in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State.

While conferring on him the chieftaincy title, King Theophilus said the gesture was in recognition of Chief Ogbuku’s selfless contributions towards the socio-economic and political advancement of the clan, adding that the move would spur him to greater height.

King Theophilus also said, it was in recognition of his outstanding commitment to the Niger Delta Development.

The Obanobhan of the kingdom, described Chief Ogbuku as a trail blazer, man of impeccable character and exceptional leadership qualities who attach important to public interest above his personal gains.

The royal father expressed confident that he would actualize the mandate of NDDC to meet the yearnings and the aspirations of the people through overwhelming support by the stakeholders.

He affirmed the unflinching support and loyalty of the people of the clan to the present administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the Niger Delta Development commission to move the nation and NDDC forward to better the lots of the people of the region.

“What you are doing at NDDC to serve the people of Niger Delta region is pleasing us. We recognize and commend you.” The people of the Niger Delta need a leader like you who cares about their affairs, who cares about their development and I want to assure you that we are solidly behind you,” said the royal father.

In his speech, the Guest of Honour, Former Minister of Petroleum Resources (state) and Former Executive Governor of Bayelsa State, Chief Timipre Sylva, lauded the people of Ogbia local government area for the honour accorded to Chief (Dr) Samuel Ogbuku, their illustrious son.

Chief Sylva said “This is the kind of encouragement we need to be able to put in our best for our people; stressing that, he knew the Managing Director of NDDC, Chief Samuel Ogbuku as a man who had great love for his people.

He asserted emphatically that he would do everything that is required to advance the course of his people.

He said that since the establishment of NDDC as an Interventionist Agency to help the development of the Niger Delta, this is the first time an Ogbia son is becoming a Managing Director of the Commission.

Chief Timipre Sylva acknowledged that the Managing Director of NDDC, Dr. Samuel Ogbuku has made remarkable impact in different parts of Niger Delta region and called for relentless support to enable him succeed.

He called on Ogbia people to support the administration of Ogbuku giving the enormity of work before him as the MD of NDDC.

Further eulogizing the outstanding qualities of Ogbuku, Chief Sylva said, “for Samuel Ogbuku a prophet is honoured in his home and that the NDDC Managing Director needs the support of people to succeed in his assignment.

The people of Ogbia Local Government Area have thrown their weight behind the MD and the NDDC to succeed. He expressed confident on Ogbuku to deliver on his mandate as the MD.

 “He is a young man of capacity. And today belong to the young men. I believe that for Samuel Ogbuku this is just a stepping stone to higher responsibilities.

We must learn to incubate young people to prepare them for bigger responsibilities. But we need support of everyone. We need the support of all of us. Your support for him should not stop just with this reception; but your support should always be with him. Because the position he is holding is not an easy position. It is a situation where nine states are all dragging for his attention. So, we his people must support him with everything he asks so that he will succeed in his responsibility.

I thank you the Ogbia people for the extending this honour to a young man that God has uplifted. May we all get the benefits of his innovative tenure. I said innovative tenure because he started with the innovation of electrifying communities. There are so many things that should be done in the Niger Delta. And I know the efforts he and his team are putting in place to ensure the overall development of the Niger Delta,” Sylva stated.

In his acceptance speech, Managing Director NDDC, Dr. Samuel Ogbuku expressed happiness over the gesture noting that it came with responsibilities.

Ogbuku said the commission is committed to the constructing additional pillars to reinforce the structure in order to improve sustainable development of the Niger Delta.

 I know you will support me to succeed and build more pillars for the development of our communities.” “We must unite and work in one accord to surmount the development challenges that confront our people. We are determined to succeed and there should be no excuse for failure,” he said.

He told the people that he was prepared to provide capacity building, women and youths development. He gave assurance that efforts would be made to raise other people from the clan to be able to bring in their competences to sustain the development of the clan.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Interventionist Agency enjoined the people to eschew politics of bitterness and unite to move the area forward. He maintained that without peace and synergy the clan would not develop.

“I want to thank all of you today for coming out in your numbers to honour me. For me this means a lot. The title you have given to me today, Edi One of Obhan Anyama” Edi means the pillar of Obhan Anyama”.

 I believe that that is a very big responsibility meaning you are putting the weight of this clan; the weight of poverty alleviation, the weight of the clan for development, the weight of the clan for youth empowerment; the weight of this clan for development, the weight of this clan for traditional rulers’ empowerment now hanging on top of me. It is not an easy title to accept. For the special love I have for you (People), I Samuel Ogbuku accepted whole heartedly this responsibility.

I am accepting this responsibility because I know a building that stand on one pillar is bound to collapse. It means I should build other pillars to erect the building to reduce the weight on me. So that the building will stand the test of time. And in erecting these pillars, we have to build them on our youths, mothers, women, men and chiefs by empowering them so that collectively if we are all strong we can stand the pressure of the building, and the builder will stand it test of time. That is the responsibility and task that has been given to me”, he asserted.

He used the forum to called on the people of Ogbia ethnic nationality and Niger Delta region to unite and work as a team devoid of divisiveness, political differences and disunity to enhance sustainable development in the Niger Delta Region.

“We shouldn’t allow political differences to separate us. We must see ourselves as one inseparable entity. Political power is transient. And as transient as it is, meaning whatever political advantage we have today is also transient; meaning it is also going to come and go.

Let us be united to make the best use of it to develop our communities, to develop our clans, ourselves and also build communities.

“We can only achieve it if we all come together. Because every pillar needs reinforcement. And the reinforcement of that pillar is the people. And if the people hold on to that pillar, that Pillar is bound to stand. The pillar will not fall, let us be that strong reinforcement around this pillar and ensure that this house stand the test of time that generation behind us will also come and use this house; so that they will also know that it was built when their fathers and mothers were alive.

He lamented the state of under development in Anyama Clan in Ogbia Local Government Area, noting that it is the only clan in Ogbia that has not been linked with motorable roads and bridges; pointing out the lack of electrification, internal roads, water and other basic amenities to enhance the socio-economic wellbeing of the people.

He reminded them that these amenities could not be achieve in an atmosphere devoid of peace and unity among the people.

He urged the people of the area to rally round him to actualize the motive behind the chieftaincy title bestowed on him, stressing that, “the only thing I plead to you is not only to confer such chieftaincy title on me without standing behind me.

I want you to stand behind me so that when the weight is too much on me I can look back at you (people) whom I can derive strength from because you are behind me. But when I look behind me and nobody is there I am going to lose my strength,” he warned.

Earlier, Chairman Central Planning Committee of the reception, Chief Olali Opuene-Ogiromibebh who read the welcome address gave assurance of the determination of the people to stand behind their son to succeed as the Chief Executive Officer of NDDC.

He described the NDDC MD as a light that reflects on everybody. Opuene-Ogiromibebh said the people have “implicit confidence in the ability of Ogbuku to perform his duties efficiently, effectively and creditably.”

“The light on the mountain will illuminate everybody. Chief Samuel Ogbuku is that light and everybody will benefit from his policies and actions. “Dr Samuel Ogbuku has shown courage, astuteness and firmness, becoming even more determined and committed in providing purposeful, focused and visionary leadership.

“This is targeted at ensuring peace to facilitate the sustainable development of the Niger Delta region.”

He noted that the journey to the exalted position did not come easy, as there were oppositions and propagandas from different quarters but he was favoured.

The Committee Chairman who was optimistic of the ability of Dr. Ogbuku to bring infrastructural Development in communities in Niger Delta region, prayed that God would protect and guide him to deliver on his mandate.

Indeed, it was a great day in Anyama clan of Bayelsa state as the atmosphere in the area  was lit. The residents including youths and women, traditional rulers, elders, and chiefs rolled out the drums to celebrate one of their illustrious sons, the MD, NDDC for his reappointment by President Bola Tinubu.

Truly, that Saturday of 21st October 2023, the Obhan Anyama clan of Ogbia kingdom rolled out the drums and red carpet to celebrate their own Chief Dr. Samuel Ogbuku, the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).

The epoch event attracted dignitaries from far and near of all walks of life with traditional dances and displays spicing up the occasion.

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