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Governor Lalong of plateau state sack commissioners

The Plateau state cabinet has been dissolved.
Governor Simon Lalong who made the dissolution on Thursday ordered permanent secretaries of the various ministries to take over with immediate effect.
A statement by Lalong’s Director of Press, Mr Emmanuel Nanle, in Jos said the governor commended the outgoing commissioners for their “selfless service”.
The governor thanked the former commissioners for their “immense contributions” in his effort to deliver dividends of democracy to the people.
He wished the outgoing commissioners the best in their future endeavours, adding that their wealth of experience would continue to be helpful to the state.
The statement read: ”Governor Simon Bako Lalong of Plateau State has dissolved all commissioners in the State executive Council directing them to hand over to permanent secretary in their respective ministries.
”Governor Lalong thanks them for their services to the state and wishes them well in their future endeavors.”

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