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Gwegwe faults APC report on restructuring .Opts for 2014 Confab Implementation

As the need to restructure Nigeria before the 2019 general elections has continued to dominate the political space of late, His Highness Okpoebi Righteous Gwegwe, Ogiligba I of Atissa Kingdom in Yenagoa local government area of Bayelsa state has faulted the All Progressives Congress (APC) restructuring of Nigeria report on merger of states.
His Highness Okpoebi Righteous Gwegwe

Chief Gwegwe who was also the gubernatorial flagbearer of the defunct National Democratic Party (NDP) in the 2007, 2008 and 2012 governorship election in the state made the assertion in an exclusive interview with Global Overseer reporter in Yenagoa.
He described the APC report as sectional adding that the inputs of the various ethnic nationalities that constituted Nigeria were not represented in the committee’s report set up by the party.
The Ogiligba I of Atissa Kingdom averred emphatically expressing fear that the recommendation made by APC on merger of states if implement would may cause anarchy in the polity.
Chief Gwegwe who endorsed restructuring of the country before the 2019 general elections, called on the President Muhammadu Buhari led Federal Executive Council and the National Assembly to institute the “Doctrine of Necessity” and implement the well accepted 2014 National Conference recommendations in order to move the nation forward.
Describing the 2014 Confab recommendations as the key to Nigeria’s progress, Gwegwe recalled that the conference well packaged by a 13 member. Presidential Advisory Committee on National Dialogue headed by Senator Femi Okurounmu, and attended by 492 citizens selected from across the various strata of the country is most acceptable.
He further pointed out that the confab which was inaugurated on March 17, 2014 and headed by a former Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Idris Kutigi and lasted for four months; the draft report was unanimously approved by the delegates who attended the conference.
According to him restructuring Nigeria apart from bringing the government closer to the door steps of the people, would end the worrisome political tension and ethnic acrimony currently embattling the country’s political space owing to contentious over constitutional structure of Nigeria.
He added that all agitations for self-determination and complains over marginalization by some sections of the country, would extinct and there would be stability, peace and ethnic co-existence to put the country in fast lane of development to meet the yearnings and the aspirations of Nigerians.
The Ogiligba of Atissa Kingdom lamented that the country was still operating unitary system of government instead of fiscal and true federalism.
He blamed the current hardship facing Nigerians and the numerous socio-economic and political challenges bedeviling the nation since return to democratic rule as a result of continued operation of unitary system of government in the country.
The Ogiligba I of Atissa Kingdom insisted that operation of true and fiscal federalism is the solution to the myriad of problems affecting the country.
He warned that until the country is restructured the masses would continue to experience unbearable suffering, misery, squalor, abject poverty and under-development.
Gwegwe advised the electorates to sum money politics this time around; and warning them not to allow the past mistakes they have perpetrated during the last elections to repeat itself.
“I think the present government now, everybody both big and small, men and women are complaining bitterly over the current hardship in the country. So, I believe that the people that are going to come on board on May 29, 2019 would take precaution or learn on what is happening now.
And I’m going to advise the masses that during the time of the election; that money they used to enticing them to vote for them and make the electorates to lose and suffer for a period of 4 years they should not accept it again.
That debarred them not to get anything from any government. Therefore, they should eschew money politics during the forthcoming elections and vote candidates of their choice in order to make the country better and become the hub of progress.
So, that money that we are receiving before voting, I think everybody should learn from what is happening currently in the country. We should henceforth vote for the person in your mind devoid of money influence. Vote for the candidate that you feel can deliver your constituency, the Local Government Area, your Senatorial District, the state and the country. so that these problems suffering Nigerians could be solved once and for all.,” he said.

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