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2019 general election: Why Douye Diri is endorsed for Senate

                       By Majesty Inegbagha

 It is a truism that the National Assembly elective positions of trust is meant for only those who posses exemplary leadership qualities and wealth of experience to ensure effective representation.
  Indeed, it is an office destined for God-fearing people with impeccable character who attach public interest above personal gains. It is predestined for people with deep understanding of the yearnings and the aspirations of the people to occupy.
  The office obviously is not meant for the inexperience, self-centered people and greedy politicians whose motive behind entry into politics is borne out of egocentric desire to amass wealth at the detriment of the people
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Hon. Douye Diri, PDP Candidate for Bayelsa Central Senatorial Diistrct/Member Representing Yenagoa/Kolokuma/Opokuma Federal Constituency 

  The days when people use guns, thugs and all forms of criminal tendencies to hijack the mandate of the people to enrich themselves, impoverish and under develop the people is over.
  There is a great awareness among the people now that elective positions of trust are preordained for only those who have indelible and enviable track records, foresight, wisdom and boldness to ensure purposeful and effective representation that would bring the dividends of democracy for the people.
  Checks have revealed that since the inception of democracy from 1999 to date, most of our representatives at the National Assembly were dormant and could not ensure effective representation to draw the attention of the Federal government to the challenges facing the people of the Niger Delta Region, particularly Bayelsa State the core of the Region.
  This is because they are inexperience and visionless. And that is why most of them remain inactive in the Assemblies Chambers only to wait to answer the question “Those who says Ayes or Nays.” They don’t contribute anything in any way to actualize the reason why they were elected for.
  It is uncalled for, for Bayelsa State that is in the dare need of development in the core of the Niger Delta Region to elect inactive or inexperience persons as representatives at the National Assembly comparing to their counterparts in other states.
  Jawaharal Nehuru of India had said “Evil unchecked grows evil tolerate poison the whole system.”
  It was on this premises that as campaigns for the 2019 general elections kicks off for the National Assemblies and Presidential elections scheduled to hold on February 16 next year, the electorates a crossed Bayelsa state have x-rayed the various parties standard-bearers seeking for elective positions of trust at the National Assembly who would effectively represent the people.
  In Bayelsa Central Senatorial District which comprises Southern Ijaw, Yenagoa and Kolokuma/Opokuma Local government areas of the state, checks revealed that a cross-section of the electorates of the areas have thrown their weight behind the candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Hon Douye Douye Diri who is currently a member representing Yenagoa/Kolokuma/Opokuma Federal Constituency at the National Assembly.
  The desire and the enormous endorsement of Hon. Diri for the senatorial seat of Bayelsa Central Senatorial District according to Global Overseer investigation was borne out of several reasons.
    These according to them include his enviable track records, political antecedents, his indelible achievements and his high level of performance as well as his unparalleled wealth of experience occasioned with his visionary leadership qualities.
   The choice of Hon. Douye Diri the Sampou ancient town born politician was also due to his proven uprightness and generosity which is seriously lacking in those contesting with him.
    According to the people, Hon. Douye has demonstrated unparalleled exemplary visionary leadership for the overall interest of his constituents devoid of ethnic sentiments and discriminations.
     As a lawmaker endowed with the eight principles of public life, the people maintained with enthusiasm that he has ensured rare effective representation of the people,  not only the people of Yenagoa/Kolokuma/Opokuma Federal Constituency but the entire state, Niger Delta region and Nigeria as a whole.
    Many, while expressing their unflinching support for Douye Diri for Senate, according to our findings described him as the voice of the Niger Delta region in the Green Chambers. This is based on the manner and the way he presented issues on the floor of the house as he takes the entire region as his constituency.
    Hon. Douye as an outspoken, vibrant astute politician who hates injustice and oppression has contributed meaningfully in all the debates, proceedings and the bills passed into laws by the House; thus moving the nation forward.
In fact, he is one of the pillars who is conversant with the politics of the House and that is why he has recorded rare and landmark achievements for the overall interest of his Constituents, State and the Federal Government.
  One of the factors that has enhance his unanimous endorsement for his ambition to the Red Chambers (Senate) is the glaring fact that in a society where people are engrossed with unquenching appetite for wealth and material acquisition, a system where the only thing in vogue is to get money and get money to be the richest at the expense of the people, particularly the down trodden; but Hon. Douye Diri as a pragmatic political icon of outstanding leadership traits, adhere strictly to the moral laws of politics based on honesty, goodness, righteousness and the consideration of others in all his dealings.
   The people of Bayelsa Central Senatorial District and indeed the state in general is very fortunate to choose a pace-setter and renowned leader, a person of Hon. Douye Diri as the flagbearer of the People Democratic Party (PDP) for the Senate.
Checks revealed that his unanimous support was not unconnected with his sincerity, boldness, reliability, accessibility, courage and bigheartedness. According to them, the Federal lawmaker has fulfilled his electioneering promises to the people in line with his manifesto despite the last economic recession in the country.
They asserted insistently without mincing words that Hon. Douye Diri will perform more better than this if given the mandate to represent the Senatorial District on February 16 general election.
   Shedding more light on the choice of Douye Diri for Senate, the people noted with satisfaction that within this short pace of time in office, apart from the several motions he moved at the floor of the House and the three viable bills he has sponsored, he has demonstrated himself as a true selfless leader whose entry into politics is borne out of his desire to render selfless service to the people.
  Hon. Douye Diri as a dependable politician of flawless character, he has within this period also facilitated the establishment of an ICT Project in Igbogene, construction of a 15,000 Gallon Water Project in Azikoro, a Water Project at Ekeki and Powering of Sampou Community with Solar electric lights in addition to Odi town and other communities which work has commenced.
   The lawmaker has also facilitated the enrollment of several youth of his Federal constituency in the Nigerian Navy for 2018. He also established one of his laudable projects at Isaac Adaka Boro’s Town, Kaiama. The lawmaker also fought against injustice and oppression thus presenting a petition on wrong dismissal of Inspector Edwin Ovuru on the floor of the House for attention.
   As a people oriented lawmaker, during this year’s flood that devastated several communities in the Niger Delta, his constituency and Bayelsa State, he moved a motion to curb the unending cycle of severe flood and grief in Bayelsa which compelled the House to urge NEMA, the Ecological Fund and Agencies to be proactive in tackling the menace of flooding in Bayelsa and other States of the Federation. He toured round the flood affected communities in his federal constituency and provided relief materials to alleviate their plight. He always organized regular town hall meetings with his constituents to be abreast of their challenges at all times with a view of providing solutions.
   He also moved a motion which the House mandated its committees on Security and National Intelligence to investigate the controversy surrounding the appointment of the New Director General of the Nigerian National Intelligence Agency, Ahmed-Rufai Abubakar.
   Also, he moved a motion on a thunder storm that devastated several communities in Biseni Clan, motion on ocean encroachment of the state and other states in the Niger Delta, motion on the outbreak of Monkey Pox just to mention but a few which compelled the House to summon the Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole to the House and that of Intels which urged the Federal government to reverse termination of Intels agreement with NPA expressing concern that Over 7000 Nigerians work for Intels and terminating the contract will have negative effects.
   The Federal lawmaker has also fought against the removal of the Land Used Act in the Nation’s constitution, restating his determination to continue if given the mandate. As an astute politician who hates injustice he stood adamantly against the oppression of the minorities in the country.
   He also fought against environmental degradation in the Niger Delta and ensured adequate and proper Communication with his Constituents.
   It would be recalled that Hon. Douye Diri before his elevation to the present status has worked in various capacity as Pioneer Organizing Secretary of the Ijaw National Congress (INC) and later appointed by the Bayelsa State Government as Executive Secretary Centre for Youth Development.
   Sequel to his exceptional performance he was elevated with the appointment as Honourable Commissioner for Youth and Sports during Former President Jonathan as the Governor of the State.
   Hon. Douye has worked as a member of the board of the Governing Council of the University of Maiduguri, Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party Disciplinary Council, Bayelsa State, Deputy Chief of Staff and Principal Executive Secretary of Government House before his election to represent the people of Yenagoa/Kolokuma/Opokuma Federal Constituency owing to his excellent track records which has impacted positively on the people.
   The people believes that his going to the upper Chambers will afford him the opportunity to continue his good works and render his rare selfless services to the people. Indeed, he has done so well that every patriotic sons and daughters of the Niger Delta region is proud of him.
   From the foregoing Hon. Douye Diri is undeniably is a great achiever and rare gem. Obviously he is the type of development oriented leaders the people love and want to represent them.
   Unquestionable, Hon. Diri is a great democrat, indefatigable leader, steadfast and apostle of good governance, a trailblazer and an advocate of true Federalism.
Let all and sundry in Bayelsa Central Senatorial District, irrespective of party affiliations and learnings strengthen our unanimous resolve to cast all our votes for Hon. Douye Diri, PDP standard-bearer of the Bayelsa Central Senatorial District.
   The Youths of Yenagoa/Kolokuma/Opokuma Federal Constituency have passed vote of Confidence for him to appreciate the gesture.
   Indeed, several organizations in the State have also expressed their firm determination to work vigorously and selfless to actualize Hon. Douye Diri’s Victory at the poll next year. He is the man of the people and the Almighty God will help him to achieve his 2019 political ambition.

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