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APC says it has laid solid foundation to take over powers in Bayelsa – Sylva

                     By Our Abuja Correspondent

  The ruling party of Nigeria, the All Progressives Congress (APC), says it has put  its machinery in place to take over powers in Bayelsa state on November 16 governorship election to address the socio-economic and political predicaments bedeviling the state.

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 Chief Timipre Sylva, Former Governor/APC Leader     Senator (Bishop) Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo
                    Bayelsa State                                                Senator Representing Bayelsa East                      

    The former governor and leader of the party in the state, Chief Timipre Sylva dropped the hint at a grand reception and dinner party organized in honour of the Senator representing Bayelsa East Senatorial District, Bishop Biobarakuma W. Degi-Eremienyo and the members representing Southern Ijaw and Brass/Nembe Federal Constituencies, Rt. Hon Preye Oseke and Rt Hon Isreal Sunny Igoli in Abuja shortly after the inauguration of the 9th National Assembly and subsequent swearing them in.
     Chief Sylva who described the growth of the party in the state as the Mustard Seed, said that “APC has grown in Bayelsa like the Mustard Seed that has been sown and today it has become the peak tree?
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Chief Timipre Sylva, Former Governor/APC Leader in Bayelsa state and  Senator (Bishop) Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo exchanging view.

     He maintained that sometime when a tree grows and the branches spread out, all kinds of people came to that tree to take shelter, but after a while you see that only the good people will remain. “And that is what is happening to APC in Bayelsa”, he observed.
     Chief Sylva asserted emphatically that the party lost the 2015 governorship election not because the party was not on ground or was not popular in the state but because of sabotage from party’s members.
The Mammoth crowd at the grand reception and dinner party organized in honour of the Senator representing Bayelsa East Senatorial District, Bishop Biobarakuma W. Degi-Eremienyo and the members representing Southern Ijaw and Brass/Nembe Federal Constituencies, Rt. Hon Preye Oseke and Rt Hon Isreal Sunny Igoli in Abuja.
   He expressed joy that those who has constituted themselves as stumbling block for the victory and the progress of the party are filtering themselves out.  “That was why you see that this time in spite of the minimal resources available to us we fair better.”
     “And let me just say this again, some people say I have a prophetic anointing. And maybe I do. Some people will leave us. And some good people will come and join us,” he asserted.
     Sylva reiterated the victory of the party on November 16 governorship election, saying that no Jupiter on earth can stop it because the time has come.
     The APC leader lamented over the multifarious problems facing the people of the state, pointing out that when you visit the state you see the problems of Bayelsa on the streets of Bayelsa.
     He added that APC on inception to office on February 14, 2020 will address the various problems facing the people of the eight local government areas to give a sense of belongs.

     His words “When you go to Bayelsa state today, it is a sad story. You see problems of Bayelsa on the streets of Bayelsa. All of us have learnt. All of us have experience how not to administer a state. So, this time we promise you better Bayelsa state.
     We will start to grow Bayelsa and ensure that in no distance time Bayelsa will be counted among one of the best state in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He who has ears to hear let him hear that progress is coming; that the good things are coming.
     But, please, don’t stop anybody who wants to jump out of the ship. Don’t stop them because we don’t need them.
     There are people who have bad luck, anytime they are in your ship you will sink. Anytime they support you, you will lose. There are people like that.
     Also, there are people when they support you, you will win. I have seen it many times, that is why I don’t stop people when they want to leave.
     If APC want to float now you will see a few people that want to leave. Don’t stop them because those ones if they are with us we will not win. Please, if they are with us we will not win. Allow them to go with their bad luck wherever they came from. Agbere fa-o-o-o,” Sylva asserted.
    Chief Sylva extolled virtues and leadership qualities of APC representatives in the 9th National Assembly.
     He described Senator (Bishop) Biobarakuma W. Degi-Eremienyo of Bayelsa East as a renowned grassroots politician who started politics as a councillor and grew from there to become a vice chairman and chairman of local government council and thereafter became a commissioner for Local Government and Rural Development and Commissioner for Health and grew from there to hold office from National Institution called FERMA.
     “And now by the grace of God and by the exercise of your will, you have unanimously given him your votes and brought him to represent you in the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”
     I can tell you this about him that you cannot have a better representative in the Senate. And the way he has seen himself and the way we have spoken he has seen himself as not only representing Bayelsa East. He is representing the whole Bayelsa state APC family and the people because this is the only one we have now. May be another one might be added to us by the grace of God. But for now, he is the representative of APC in Bayelsa state in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
    And I pray the Lord will strengthen his hands and bless him so that he will be in position to carry this huge responsibility, “Sylva said.
     The pragmatic and visionary leader of APC noted with regret that a lot of people when given responsibility take it as if it is their own personal responsibility for their family.
     He said when you are given responsibility, especially at the federal level, as a Senator or as a Minister of Federal Republic, they should know that, that responsibility is not your own, but you are holding office on behalf of all the people.
     “But when you are minister and you begin to administer your ministerial office as if it is your own, and then you are not carrying your party as if you are representing the party, that is misnomer” , Sylva pointed out.
     According to Chief Sylva, “we are learning every day. And I’m happy that this Senator especially, has seen himself as not only a representative of himself and his family and not only a representative of his Senatorial District, but he has seen himself as a representative of the APC and the people of Bayelsa state.
    He continues “Let me personally welcome Rt. Hon Preye Oseke who has arrived here with his amiable wife by his side”.
   Hon. Preye Oseke himself told me the same story that he is not only representative of Southern Ijaw but both APC family in the House of Representatives.
    With this quality of representation that we now have, I can tell you that it is very clear that APC will carry the Day in Bayelsa state in November 16. It is time for us to take back our state.
    This time it will be better and the sun will never set again on Bayelsa state,” the sage averred.
     Also in his remarks, the Senator representing Bayelsa East Senatorial District, Senator (Bishop) Biobarakuma W. Degi-Eremienyo commended the APC family in Bayelsa state and the electorates for voting for him massively and unanimously given him the mandate to represent them.
    Senator Degi-Eremienyo assured them effective representation and pledged to carry all along in his administration.
     He thanked God for His unflinching support and prayed for continue support to actualize his statutory responsibilities to the people of the state and Nigerians.
     Earlier in his opening remarks, Engr Numopre Wills who chaired the occasion said that APC has the chances to win Bayelsa state November 16 governorship polls.
      He therefore enjoined the members of the party in the state to shun divisive tendencies and unite to work  as an inseparable entity to usher in the party’s victory in November 16.
    The renowned politician also advised the party to ignore all forms of media campaign of blackmail and calumny against the party and its leaders by some unscrupulous and inordinate politicians saying that Bayelsans are not unaware of the unbearable predicaments facing them, noting that APC is the only solution to these problems come November 16.
     Noting that APC is the only party ordained by God now to salvage the people of the state from the shackle of poverty, deprivation and under development, Engr Wills extolled the virtues of Senator Degi-Eremienyo and other APC representatives in the 9th National Assembly and prayed God for protection and guidance over the onerous task of ensuring effective representation.
     The ceremony which was entertained by Ijaw Owigiri philosophical legend, Barrister Smooth attracted
 personalities from different walks of life irrespective of their political inclination, party faithful, friends and well wishers, traditional rulers, men and women as well as Bayelsa youths from the eight local government areas of state and Nigerians in general.

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