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ADC LG Chairmanship Candidate Kicks of Campaigns in Bayelsa • Vows to transform Ogbia LGA to greater height

                                                          By our Political Correspondent
The African Democratic Congress (ADC) candidate for the August 10 Local Government Election in Bayelsa state, Mr Francis Amanda has on Sunday formally kicked of his campaigns to emerge the next council chairman of Ogbia area.

Presenting his manifesto to the admiration of mammoth crowd of supporters, traditional rulers, youths, women groups and opinion leaders at the Ancient Town of Oloibiri, while declaring his intention to contest the local government council chairmanship election in the area, Mr. Amanda said, he would run an all inclusive administration devoid of divide and rule to provide the needed development to meet the yearnings and aspirations of the people.
As a leading grass root politician who knows the basic problems confronting the people and communities, Mr Amanda said that when given him  the mandate he would operate real local government administration that would not stay in Yenagoa, the state capital to administer the affairs of Ogbia local government council.
According to his manifesto, he will build a befitting Palace and quarters for the Obanobhan of Ogbia Kingdom where he will reside in the area to pilot the traditional affairs of Ogbia vicinity to promote unity, peace and good governance of the area.

He also pledged to build a legislative secretariat complex and quarters for the 13 ward councilors of the council with a befitting council secretariat complex that would accommodate all the offices in the local government area, in addition to the Executive Chairman, supervisory councilors among staff quarters where all would reside at Ogbia town to conduct the affairs of the council area to better lives of the people.
Mr Amanda asserted emphatically that his acceptance to contest for the chairmanship position of the LG council, apart from his desire to render selfless service for the people was borne out of the clarion calls and clamour from the people, pressuring him to contest for the exalted Executive Seat of Ogbia LGA Council Chairman which God Almighty has given him the go ahead to contest for the seat.
He highlighted some of his contributions to the unity, peace and development of Ogbia  LGA , when he was the National Youth President of Ogbia Kingdom; and having served in various capacities  for the upliftment of prominent personalities in the area, and also including as Director General of Chief (Hon) Robert Enogha Campaign Organization, Chief Saviour Ibegi campaign Organisation as well as Dr (Mrs) Love Amaseimogha Love Boat Campaign Organization, he has no hesitation to join and win the race by the Grace of God.
He called for all and sundry in the area to reciprocate the gesture by voting for him en mass during the LG Chairmanship election under the platform of the Africa Democratic Congress (ADC) to give him a sense of belonging.
  Amanda pointed out that this period around people vote for political party according to the quality and the impeachable character of the candidate they present, saying that he has all the qualities from his political antecedents that deserves all communities in Ogbia local government area to vote massively for him (ADC).
ADC local government leading chairmanship candidate lamented that the politics of Ogbia kingdom has been hijacked by few, warning that unless a trusted and vibrant leader of extreme generosity and vision like him is given the opportunity this time around to pilot the affairs of the area, and unite the Ogbia of people, the level of underdevelopment in the area would continue to deteriorate to cause perpetual untold hardship for the people to the disaffection of every good thing for the people.
Amanda wept over the level of underdevelopment in Ogbia local government, despite the fact that the area was where crude oil was first discovered at Oloibiri in abundant quality in 1956 in the whole of West Africa.
He noted with regret that the area which was blessed with abundant human and material resources has nothing to show on ground in all the communities of Ogbia local government area since that period to date.
According to him the time for change has come for all the youths, traditional rulers, opinion leaders, women and all the political parties in the area to unite and unanimously vote for him during the August 10 LG elections.
On Health, Mr Amanda pledges to promote healthcare delivery in the area as well as building a befitting hospital at Ogbia town to curb the mortality rate in the area.
He said his administration would embark vigorously on agriculture and skill acquisition programmes for the youth to promote self-reliance and food production.
According to him, he would liaise with the oil companies operating in the area, state and federal government to provide the needed infrastructures that would improve the socio-economic lives of the people.
On insecurity, the ADC Chairmanship flag bearer assured to work as a team with the security agencies, traditional rulers, the youths and opinion leaders to end the insecurity situation in Ogbia kingdom.
According to him his administration would pay monthly stipends to the village heads of the communities of the area to enable them discharge their duties as chief security officers and the custodian of the customs and rich culture of the people to enhance the maintenance of law and order at their respective domains.
On internal revenue generation, Mr. Amanda said he would unfold a rare blueprint to enhance effective internal revenue generation of the council not to be waiting for Federal Allocations.
According to him, he would give priority attention to the welfare of workers through regular payment of their monthly salaries, adding other incentive to motivate them would be provided to enhance the achievement of the set goals of his administration.
 Under his decentralization policy, Mr Amanda said education would be accorded a pride of place in his administration, lamenting that a community like Akoloman in Ogbia local government was still using the generator house provided during Okilo’s NPN’s regime as classroom block.
He assured to build a befitting six classroom block for Akoloman community as well as to construct concrete walkway from Otuaba to the community to enhance teaching and learning as well as alleviate the people from the transportation difficulties.
According to him when given the mantle of leadership he would work with the people to promote the desired development, unity and peace of the area.
Mr. Amanda who is optimistic to win the August 10 local government election, enjoined the chairman, commissioners, Adhoc staff among all those that would be involved in the conduct of the August 10 election in Ogbia local government area to ensure free and fair LG elections devoid of money politics, rigging and hijacking of voting materials in favour of one party.
He said he has the chances to win the election provided  Chief Ogbe led Bayelsa State Independent Electoral Commission would allow the electorates to choose their local government chairman of Ogbia Kingdom.
He commended the people of Ogbia ethnic nationality, the youths, traditional rulers, chiefs, opinion leaders, women organizations among others for their large turnout for his flag off ceremony and assured the Ogbia people to carry everybody along.


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