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Why Prof Ogoni is widely accept to succeed Governor Dickson -Bayelsa November 16 Governorship election

Bayelsa State, the homogeneous state of Ijaw people the core of the Niger Delta region will be 23 years by October 1st, 2019.
The state on creation was ruled by Ijaw sons of the state origin from 1999 to date when the country returned to civil rule.
Commendable, indeed each of them have ruled the state according to the vision they have. Indisputable, they have recorded  a lot of achievements , but yet the dreams of the founding fathers of the state to make Bayelsa state a haven of peace and progress for the overall benefit of all devoid of poverty, ethnicity, nepotism, sentiments, discrimination and infighting among the people  have to be  achieved
Former President Goodluck Jonathan             Governor Henry Seriake Dickson                        Professor Humphry Andrew Ogoni
Paradoxically, the expectations and the euphoria that greeted the creation of the state by the people would be a nightmare if a matured and experienced man of rare wisdom, God fearing and of exceptional leadership acumen, generosity and integrity has not been put in place as Governor Dickson’s successor.
The hope of the people has been dashed and inflict with unbearable hardship in different aspects of life. The basic necessities of life that a responsible government should provide for the people are seriously lacking.
This is despite the fact that the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria clearly spelt out that sovereignty belongs to the people, from whom government derives all powers and authority, adding the fact that this provision affirmed that security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.     It further affirms that participation by the people in the Government shall be ensured. These are the basic tenets of democracy that those saddled with the authority to govern the state must actualize. Sadly, the reverse is the case.
The state presently is in a state of insecurity of lives and property as cases of armed robbery, kidnapping, killings and various vices including the activities of hirer assassins is reported daily.
Noticeably and undoubtedly, every sincere and God fearing indigene or residence in the state acknowledged the numerous socio-economic, political, cultural and the technological problems militating against the desired development of the state.
It is sympathetic to note that most Bayelsans are in distress, buffeted by hunger, poverty, high cost of living and poor living environment.
The economy of the state since its creation is in doldrums as deduction of civil servants salaries and under stepping of their salary grade levels of recent has become the major source of revenue generation.
Sadly to note also, the health and power sectors as well as industrialization are in disarray. The people have entered the terminal consequences of neglect by government that professes to serve and proffer solutions to the myriad of problems facing the people.
Also, malnourishment, one of the excruciating effects of poverty has engulfed the people as several families are jobless since government has been the only industry in the state that provides employment.
Pragmatic democracy has been jettisoned while the state is seemingly rule by winner takes all or by cabal thereby denying the people’s rights to have a say in their government.
What indeed we have today are monumental precepts by leadership not matched by action at the different levels of government. The unity and the love our founding fathers had in the struggle for the creation of the state have been jettisoned. Bayelsans now are living in divisiveness and we are no longer our brother’s keeper.
Most of those in positions of trust have forgotten the masses as they have seen the privilege as an opportunity to amass wealth at the detriment of the people. If this scenario will be allowed to continue we will remain in misery, disdain, squalor and hopeless while the cabal who hijacked the leadership of the state will continue to take everything for themselves to impoverish the people more and more to the next generation to come.
The future of Bayelsa state depends solely in visionary and competent leadership who will safeguard lives and property and provide the desired leadership that would give all Bayelsans a sense of belongs. Bayelsa need a renowned and foresighted, humane and detribalized leader  who is generous and attaches importance to the welfare of the people above personal interest to be able to address these multifarious social ills facing the people.
It is against this backdrop, that all and sundry in the state irrespective of political affiliations have been called upon to collectively endorse Professor Humphrey Andrew Ogoni, former Vice Chancellor of the Niger Delta University (NDU), a God fearing and a detribalized Bayelsan; to take over from Governor Henry Seriake Dickson who has done his best to accelerate the pace of development in the state, to continue from where he will stop to provide the desired leadership and development the people want.
The future of Bayelsa state depends solely in visionary and competent leadership and must be built on merit and industry. It cannot be built on ethnicity and corruption but courage and righteousness. The time has come when Bayelsans must see themselves as members of one indivisible family and eschew those tendencies that disunite us.
Bayelsa State for now is divided along sectional interest by our political class. Thus, what is needed most now is a neutral leader who has the vision to actualize the dreams of the founding fathers of the state for the corporate interest of all.
A rundown of the antecedent of Prof Ogoni before he became the Vice Chancellor of the Niger Delta University shows that he is a seasoned administrator that had been involved in selfless service to humanity.
The renowned researcher of international repute and also held several national and international appointments, chaired a number of national and university  committees and contributed immensely in the improvement of university education in Nigeria and beyond.
 In all places he had worked, he has demonstrated exceptional and unparalleled administrative acumen with varying degree of efficiency and success.
Prof Ogoni is a man of towering figure who accomplished many great things. Indeed his impact to societal development and humanity was far-reaching and profound.
As a man of professional and leadership excellence, competence, straight forwardness and humble, with genuine interest to steer the ship of the state with public interest above personal gains, no doubt, he will make the difference when given the mandate.
The PDP governorship flagbearer to be is a renowned academia, educationist, administrator and a rare gem of utmost uprightness. He is a man of peace and unity who hate politics of divisiveness and sectionalism.
As an astute administrator who attach importance to the laws of moral and spiritual politics; which bothered on the expression of the power of God within man and woman to uplift the welfare of mankind, it is necessary to state here emphatically that Prof. Ogoni having piloted the affairs of the Niger Delta University successful from it rudimentary level to what is now reckoned in the whole world as one of the best universities during his tenure deserves a reward to steer the affairs of the state for the next four years.
 Undoubtedly, it is glaring ubiquitously that he will make the different when given the mantle of leadership to administer the affairs of the state.
 This, we acknowledged that he is a man of extraordinary feats, courage, consummate leadership, loyalty and uncommon commitment as well as valour.
The trailblazer as a simple man of openhandedness and faultless character has made
 good marks in the spheres of Chemical Engineering and administration, which had brought so many accolades to him in Nigeria and from outside the country.

 He has the pedigree to steer the ship of the state to the Promised Land in line with the dream of the founder fathers of the state to put smiles on the faces of the people through eradication of poverty. This will ensure the continuity of PDP governance of the state as he will see himself as the a number one servant of the people and not as a king.
Certainly, he is the person for now who will administer the affairs of Bayelsa state in the interest of all to move the state forward.
Therefore, the need for all and sundry in the state, particularly the delegates of PDP to collectively vote for him in the party’s primaries could not be over-emphasized.
 Professor Humphrey Andrew Ogoni is educationally sagacious. He acquired numerous impressive degrees which he use his exceptional knowledge gained over the years to impart positively on the people to promote educational development of the state, the nation and afar.
Prof. Ogoni bagged a Degree on Issues in Corporate Governance in the University of Wolvehampton United Kingdom, Degree on Creative Leadership for Total Transformation for African Tertiary Institute  in University of Stelenbosch Business School Cape Town South Africa, PhD Chemical Engineering in Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt, M.Sc Chemical Engineering in Azerbaijan Red Banner Order Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry Baka (USSR), WASE at Matter Dei High School Imiringi, Ogbia LGA, Bayelsa State and his First School Leaving Certificate at St. James Primary School Anyama also in Ogbia LGA.
The sage has served mankind in various capacity as Vice Chancellor Niger Delta University, elected Deputy vice Chancellor Niger Delta University, Elected Dean Faculty of Engineering, Professor Chemical Engineering, Development of Academic Programs of the University, Head of Department Niger Delta University, Head of Department RSUST and had Academic and Administrative experience.
In addition, he is an accomplished Chemical Engineer with research interest in biokinetics and he join Rivers State University of Science and Technology in 1983 and served as Coordinator of programs, several Senate, faculty and department committees.
Professor Ogoni belongs to several professional bodies, participated in various consultancy groups as well as involved in several external assessments beside the services he rendered as resource person to various organizations.
Apart from these, Professor Ogoni rendered several selfless service to humanity while as Chairman University Housing Committee, Member University Tender’s Board, Member University governing Council, Member Finance and General Purpose Committee, Member PTDF Central Selection committee Overseas Scholarship, PTDF Resource Person Research Grant Project Evaluation, Professorial assessment (UNIPORT, UNIBEN), Consultant for SPDC, EIF among others as well as member COREN accreditation team and Nigeria Society of engineer failure analysis sub-committee.
He is also an active member of several relevant professional bodies such as Nigeria Society of Chemical Engineers (NSCHE), Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), American Institution of Chemical Engineers (AlChE) and Institute of Corporate Administration.
In appreciation of his enviable leadership qualities and experience, Professor Ogoni was conferred with several meritorious awards from different organizations.
Some of these Awards to mention a few included Distinguished Leadership Award of Excellence in recognition of his immense contribution of Nation Building, Prestigious Award in recognition of Selfless Service to humanity as Vice Chancellor by Student Union Government and a Meritorious Award in recognition of his Engineering Excellence and Notable Leadership quality by the Nigerian Association of Engineering Craftman, Meritorious Award by the Independent Magazines Publishers Association of Nigeria, Abuja (FCT) in recognition of Exemplary Leadership in Public Service and Educational Administration, Appointment/Award of Ambassador of Peace by the United Nation POLAG among others.
In appreciation of his selfless contributions to the development of mankind, it has become imperative for politicians in the state irrespective of their political leanings eschew politics of acrimony, thuggery, blackmail and work as a team to realize his aspiration to govern the state on February 14, 2020 for the general benefit of all.

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