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PDP Governorship Primaries: Why Delegates should vote Ambassador Igali .Details of Igali’s laudable Manifesto to govern Bayelsa

                                By Our  Political Editor

 The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) will on Tuesday September 3, 2019 conduct its governorship primaries to elect the party’s standard bearer for the November 16 governorship election in the state.
   Under the platform of the party, 21 gubernatorial aspirants were successfully screened and ready for the race. The aspirants also have gone on campaigns and presented their manifestos to the delegates and the general public to access them and make their choice among one of them who has the genuine manifesto to govern the state for the betterment of all Bayelsans devoid of ethnicity and discrimination.
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Ambassador (Dr) Godknows Boladei Igali, PDP Governorship Aspirant, Bayelsa state
 It would be recalled that Bayelsa state was created on 1st October 1996 by the administration of Late General Sani Abacha. On creation, the state was ruled by indigenes of the state when the country returned to civil rule from 1999 to date.
   Undoubtedly, these governors of Bayelsa state origin, each of them have rule the state according to their vision but yet the dreams of the founding fathers of the state to make Bayelsa state a haven of peace, unity and progress for the benefit of all by addressing the socio-economic and political challenges affecting the people of the state particularly poverty and the lack of basic infrastructure to make life more meaningful for the people devoid of sentiments, nepotism, infighting, disunity, greed and discriminations is yet to be achieved.
   Ironically, the expectations and the euphoria that greeted the creation of the state by the people would be a nightmare if a matured and experienced man of rare wisdom, God fearing and of exceptional leadership acumen, openhandedness and reliability has not been put in place as Governor Dickson’s successor.
   The hope of the people has been dashed and inflict with unbearable hardship in different aspects of life. The basic necessities of life that a responsible government should provide for the people are seriously lacking.
   The economy of the state since its creation is in doldrums as deduction of civil servants salaries and under stepping of their salary grade levels of recent has become the major source of revenue generation.
  Dejectedly to note also, the health and power sectors as well as industrialization are in disarray. The people have entered the fatal consequences of neglect by government that professes to serve and proffer solutions to the myriad of problems facing the people.
   Also, malnourishment, one of the excruciating effects of poverty has engulfed the people as several families are jobless since government has been the only industry in the state that provides employment.
Pragmatic democracy has been jettisoned while the state is seemingly rule by winner takes all or by cabal thereby denying the people’s rights to have a say in their government.
   What indeed we have today are colossal precepts by leadership not matched by action at the different levels of government. The unity and the love our founding fathers had in the struggle for the creation of the state have been thrown overboard. Bayelsans now are living in divisiveness and we are no longer our brother’s keeper.
   Most of those in positions of trust have forgotten the masses as they have seen the privilege as an opportunity to amass wealth at the disadvantage of the people. If this scenario will be allowed to continue we will remain in misery, disdain, squalor and hopelessness while the cabal who hijacked the leadership of the state will continue to take everything for themselves to impoverishing the people more and more to the next generation to come.
   The future of Bayelsa state depends solely in visionary and competent leadership who will safeguard lives and property and provide the desired leadership that would give all Bayelsans a sense of belongs. Bayelsa needs a renowned and foresighted, humane and detribalized leader who is generous and attaches importance to the welfare of the people above personal gain to be able to address these diverse social ills facing the people.
    It is a truism that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has ruled the state since 1999 to date and yet the basic problems affecting the people of the state is yet to be address, thus leaving the indigenes into unbearable and perpetual poverty, squalor and misery.
   Some of the governors have said to have been ruled or ruling the state, govern it as a personal property without caring that sovereignty belongs to the people, from whom government derives all powers and authority.
   Seeing the state as a personal property, they impose candidates on the people to continue to hold on,  power to siphon the resources of the state for personal use and continue to impoverishing, taking unilateral decisions on all affairs of governance.
   Now that the tenure of Governor Henry Seriake Dickson will expire on February 14, 2020, the need to elect a man of proven integrity, generosity, God fearing with laudable wealth of experience who will serve the people of the state as a servant and not a king cannot be over-emphasized.
   The Peoples Democratic Party’s delegates should shun money and vote the right person to install a government of a governor that will see himself as number one servant of the people and not a king.
   It is against this backdrop after assessing the manifestoes of the 21 guber aspirants of PDP for the race, Ambassador (Dr) Godknows Boladei Igali has the best manifesto that is most desirable by the people.
    Therefore, for Bayelsa state to move forward, the delegates should unanimously throw their weight behind Ambassador (Dr) Godknows Igali by voting massively for him on Tuesday September 3 PDP governorship primaries.
   If anybody imposing candidate on them to continue to suffer the people of the state; to rule the state by cabal for the next four, and put the people into unbearable poverty and continue to call the people different names, they should take the money and still unanimously cast their votes for Ambassador Godknows Igali for the progress of all Bayelsans, enduring development and peace in the state.
The Man Ambassador (Dr) Igali: Why PDP Delegates resolve to vote for him
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Ambassador (Dr) Godknows Boladei Igali
   Dr. Godknows Boladei Igali is a Nigerian public servant, diplomat, author and scholar. He was appointed by President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua in September 2007 as an ambassador to the Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway, a position he occupied until his he was appointed a Federal Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Water Resources on the 4th of May 2010.[
    He was born in Oporoma town, headquarters of Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa State of Nigeria on 4 April 1960. He hails from Eniwari town in Southern Ijaw LGA of Bayelsa State. He holds a Ph.D in Political and International Studies, from University of Venezuela, Masters in International Law and Diplomacy (MILD) from University of Lagos and B.A. (Hons) History from University of Port Harcourt. He also has a Post Graduate Diploma in International Relations and undertook professional studies at the Nigerian Foreign Service Academy and the Diplomatic Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan. He is an author and expert on Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, State Formation, National Integration and Sustainable Development. In 2005 he received the national honours of the Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON). He is married to Mrs. Tokoni Igali and they have four daughters and a son. He holds a chieftaincy title the Ibetariwei "Guardian of the Interests" of Izon. He underwent theological studies under late Bishop Harford Iloputaife at the Bible Faith Training Centre in Lagos in 1989.
A career Diplomat, he has served all around the world since joining the Foreign Service in 1982. During his stays at headquarters, he distinguished himself as an expert on economic diplomacy and served as Secretary to about ten (10) Nigerian Economic Missions abroad between 1986–1991. He also served severally as Secretary, Committee on Export to West Africa and as Special Assistant to Honourable Ministers of Foreign Affairs. He was appointed the Nigerian Consul General to Cameroon (1999–2005). Dr. Igali served as the Special Assistant (Special Duties) in the Nigerian Presidential Villa (2005–2006) under the President Olusegun Obasanjo administration. During the period, he was also Secretary to the Presidential Committee on Money Laundering and Financial Crimes. In addition, he also served as Secretary to the Presidential Subcommittee on Review of the Public Service Rules (2005). He was later appointed Secretary to the Bayelsa State Government in January 2006 and was concurrently named Honorary Adviser and Peace Envoy to the President on Niger Delta (2006–2007). He last served as Nigeria's Ambassador to the Scandinavian countries, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway (from 2008–2010). He was appointed in 2010 as the Federal Permanent Secretary for Water Resources and then redeployed to the Federal Ministry of Power by President Goodluck Jonathan in 2013. In Bayelsa, he also served as Secretary to the State Government who paid maximum concern to the welfare of civil servants without deduction of their salaries. In facts civil servants enjoyed under his regime.
Diplomatic records
Igali began his career in the Nigerian Foreign Service in 1982 and was posted to Czechoslovakia where he remained till 1986. He resumed at the External Affairs headquarters after his posting and joined the newly established Trade and Investment department in the Ministry to drive the Structural Adjustment Programme introduced by then Head of State General Ibrahim Babangida in 1986 on the international front. He distinguished himself as an expert on economic diplomacy and served as Secretary to about 10 Nigerian Economic Missions abroad between 1986–1991. He also served as Secretary, Committee on Export to West Africa and as Special Assistant to Honourable Ministers of Foreign Affairs. He was appointed the Nigerian Consul General to Cameroon (1999–2005).
In Cameroon, he played a key role in the Bakassi Peninsular peace effort following border dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon and the subsequent International Court of Justice judgement of 2002. in 2004–2005, he successfully initiated, negotiated and along with United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) supervised the return of over 60,000 Nigerian Fulani Refugees who had for years been displaced into Cameroon following inter-ethnic crisis in the Mambilla Plateau. One of his notable achievements is the regularisation of the immigration papers of Nigerians living in Cameroon.
During his stint as the Ambassador to the Scandinavian countries, Igali was concerned about the influx of Nigerian migrants from Italy to the region following a heavy crackdown by the Italian authorities and he campaigned for a rehabilitation programme. He was responsible for exchange of twelve Economic Missions, with visible impact on foreign investment inflow into Nigeria. He also successfully hosted Nigeria's 500-man Delegation to COP 15 Climate Change Summit in December, 2009.
 He also facilitated investment cooperations in the areas of alternative power generation, telecommunications and ICT. He facilitated an investment delegation to the Nordic countries led by then Vice President, Goodluck Jonathan in May 2009. He also organised the Bayelsa State Government's Investment forum visit to Finland lead by Governor Timipre Sylva and in collaboration with two major Finnish investment organizations Finpro and Finnfund.[7]
Niger Delta
Igali is actively involved in the issues of the Niger Delta. President Obasanjo tapped his negotiation skills, appointing him as a Special Assistant on Special Duties and Honorary Adviser and Peace Envoy to the Niger Delta at the peak of the militancy crisis.[8] During this period, Igali was placed in charge of negotiations with various militant camps following the emergence of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, MEND. Through his engagement with the militants and other stakeholders, the Nigerian General Election of 2007 was able to hold in spite of several threats and tens of kidnapped expatriates were released in the Niger Delta.[9] He served as secretary of the Presidential Council of the Coastal States of the Niger Delta under the President Obasanjo administration and suggested the Amnesty programme in a 27 February 2007 meeting of the council. He was appointed the substantive adviser on the Niger Delta by President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua in June 2007. It was during his tenure as the presidential adviser that the framework for the Niger Delta Amnesty programme was developed. Igali remains engaged in Niger Delta issues as one of the leaders[10] of the Pan-Niger Delta Forum which helped to facilitate dialogue between the Federal Government and the Niger Delta Avengers - a resurgent militant group that had grounded Nigeria's Oil production to 900,000 barrels per day from the budgeted 2.3 million barrels per day.[11]
Amb Igali believes strongly in private sector led development and entrepreneurship development as the paradigm for Bayelsa's forward match. He was appointed recently by the Bayelsa State Governor Seriake Dickson as a member of the Bayelsa Business Council.[12]
Dr. Igali is a published author of three book including; Perspectives on Nation-State Formation in Contemporary Africa - a book about the challenges of state formation and national integration in Africa; Global Trends in State Formation - on the emergence of the modern state system, the disintegration of states, and suggestions that will bring stability and peaceful coexistence; and Signposts to Success - a motivational guide where he analysed the accounts of the biblical King David and some other successful individuals in history.
Political career
Igali who is seen as a close associate of President Goodluck Jonathan, expressed his interest to contest for the office of the Governor of Bayelsa state in 2011 under the People's Democratic Party (PDP) upon the prompting of several Bayelsa stakeholders.

Brief of my manifesto for the November 2019, Bayelsa State Governorship Election
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Ambassador (Dr) Godknows Boladei Igali
  Bayelsa State was created on 1st October, 1996, and is located in the southern part of Nigeria in the core of the Niger Delta. It occupies an area of approximately 11,007 Km2 with a population of about 3 million people. The state has a complex terrain and it is the most deltaic among the coastal states in the Niger Delta region. It is blessed with one of the largest deposits of crude oil and natural gas. However, its economy is mainly agrarian (farming and It is blessed with one of the largest deposits of crude oil and natural gas.
    However, its economy is mainly agrarian (farming and fishing) with greater percentage of the population residing in the rural communities with little or no access to qualitative health care, portable water, electricity, and good transportation system. Due to the water logged terrain associated with all parts of the state, infrastructural development posed a major challenge over the years because of the enormous cost involved in putting up basic infrastructure to ease the movement of people and farm produce from the rural areas to markets in the urban areas.      The state was ranked the third highest in unemployment rate in Nigeria which was estimated at 32.6% for the Q3 2018 according to the National Bureau of Statistics. It has an active labour force population (15 – 64 years old) of 58.73% amounting to 1,761,000 million people.   
     Though it has fared better in other Human Development Indices (HDIs), the high unemployment may be attributed to the over dependent on a mono-product economy. Therefore, economic diversification with the requisite infrastructure will be prioritised by my administration to create employment for majority of the youth in the state.
Bayelsa State and the Sustainable Development Goals in Sight
   To promote better living conditions for people over the world, Heads of State and Government, UN Officials, and Civil Society groups met in September, 2015 during the session of the United Nations General Assembly to adopt Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals as targets to be achieved by every nation.  
    This was as a result of the fallout of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which achievements in the targeted date of 2015 was not impressive mostly by African countries.  In the report of the 2019 review of the Sustainable Development Goals, African nations have not made any significant impact in achieving the targets. The highest ranked country in Africa out of One hundred and sixty two countries is Algeria with an index score of 71% and 55 in ranking. Nigeria’s has a woeful performance with an index score of 46.4% and 159 in ranking, that is fourth worst country.  
   This implies that the Federal and State governments need to adopt a pragmatic approach towards improving Nigeria’s lot in subsequent rankings. Therefore, my thoughts on a New Bayelsa are defined by a number of actual situations on the ground. However, my administration will prioritise the Sustainable Development Goals in all facets of the economic plan in attaining the economic and social development objectives of Bayelsa State. Ultimately, it is about making life better and more fulfilling; and as well as more relevant to the well-being of our future generations.

Nexus Between Manifesto & The Sustainable Development Goals
The cardinal points of my Campaign Manifesto are hinged on holistic plan to fast track the socio-economic development of Bayelsa State in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations which are targeted to be achieved by every nation in the year 2030.These Sustainable Development Goals which are seventeen in number, are designed and meant to achieve a sustainable future for all without any form of discrimination due to race, sex, ethnicity, political affiliation, religion, etc. Therefore, the administration will focus on strategies and policies to attain the Sustainable Development Goals. The seventeen SDGs are
Ambassador Igali’s Manifesto
The cardinal component:-
Human Capital Development and Well Being,
Education: Provision of free compulsory & quality education, Provision of relevant infrastructure to aide conducive learning ,Emphasis on ICT and access to computer hardware, Establishment of special schools for gifted and talented children, Establishment of world class sports academies, Elimination of out-of school-children,  School feeding for primary and secondary school pupils (two meals a day) ,Training and retraining of teachers, Added incentives for teachers in rural areas, Establishment of schools to cater for special needs, Promotion of adult literacy programme, Setting up of vocational training centres in each of the 8 Local Government Areas and G24, Full scholarship for Teachers, women in the sciences - Engineering, Medicine, etc.

ZERO HUNGER & POVERTY IN ALL FORMS: Implementation of Social Investment Programme (SIP) for the elderly, Special Nutrition Support for Special Needs, Establishment of agricultural support programmes in rural communities to boost agricultural production through the setting up of farm clusters, access to land, provision of farming implements, product buy-back scheme, and training.
Health: Establishment of Specialised Hospitals with mental health facilities in all LGA’s Establishment of Cottage Hospitals in the G24’s with staff quarters. Provision of qualitative health care system through the establishment of Primary Health Care Centre in all 115 electoral wards with staff quarters. Intensive training of Medical Doctors and other categories of health workers Introduction of comprehensive Health Insurance cover with special emphasis on diabetes, stroke, hypertension, etc. Reduction of patients to doctor ratio to surpass the standards of World Health Organisation. Reduction of Infant and maternal mortality Special attention on malaria Access to vital immunization by all children below five years Reduction of HIV/AIDS prevalent rate and deaths Establishment of emergency call centre for health related issues.
GENDER EQUALITY: Awareness and access towards 40% affirmative action for women in elective political positions & appointments, Building capacity in women to effectively participate in male dominated professions, Prioritization of girl child education, Formulate policies to create healthy competition for women and Prioritize women economic inclusion programmes.
CLEAN WATER & SANITATION: Construction of central water projects in different parts of the state with water reticulation to surrounding communities for the provision of potable water, Provision of solar based portable water in communities, Elimination of open defecation, Construction/provision of modern toilet facilities in all communities in the State.\ 100% coverage of portable water in the state capital. 
PROGRAMME FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: Ensure that individuals with disabilities are given the right of ‘full participate and equality’ in the decision making process of the government. As such, two offices will be created to cater for those with disabilities. The following will be implemented: Disability management services, Employment support services, Mobility support services, Promotion of productive and harmonious workplace, Provision of workplace adjustment tools for easy accessibility to work environment for people with disability, Very special care for the under 5 and over 65.
Infrastructure Development:
Road Infrastructure: Construction of roads and bridges to Link all major towns in the state.\, Construction of major highways to Agge, Brass, Koluama, & Foropa, Construction of feeder roads and bridges to link majority of the communities in the state,  Construction of Agge port and two specialised industrial harbours and logistics bases, Construction of at least 5 fishing harbours along the 200 km coastline,  Building  two Inland Harbours on the River Nun and River Forcados,  Building an Inland Cargo Terminal and  Operationalising the Bayelsa Airport as a Cargo Hub.
Power Infrastructure: Construction of Medium-Size gas fired Power Generation Plant with mini-grid to power major communities, and industrial estates, Purchase of gas powered generators for small communities, Promotion of Energy Efficient programmes, Promotion of solar, wind and biomass solutions.
INDUSTRIAL ESTATES: Construction of four Industrial Estates with the requisite facilities; accommodation, electricity, roads, etc. for the purpose of industrial development and Establishment of agricultural product processing & fisheries processing industries.
HOUSING DEVELOPMENT: Massive construction of affordable housing through mortgage and rent-to-own basis in the state capital, 8 LGA’s, G24 and major towns Massive land reclamation programmes.

AGRICULTURAL INFRASTRUCTURE: Establishment of 3 agricultural cluster estates in the three Senatorial Districts with requisite infrastructure. 
DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE: Construction of major drainage infrastructure in the State Capital and Local Government Headquarters and major towns, Dredging of Ecole Creek and others in Yenagoa and Dredging of silted tributaries and creeks.
Economy and Industrialization:
Focus on policies on growth in technology and innovation, Formulate Laws to aid the ease of doing business in the state, Investment in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) , Formulate Laws to aid the ease of doing business in the state, Development of Agge Deep Sea Port as well as industrial harbours, Establishment of 30 State funded informal new startup businesses every month. Target 360 annually, Revitalization of Bayelsa State Palm to become profit  making venture,  Invest heavily in agriculture by providing support to farmers, Invest massively in the cultivation of plantain, rice, banana, sugar cane, fruits and vegetables, Establishment of Bayelsa State Direct Labour Agency that will be profit driven, Collaboration with multilateral financial agencies to boost investment potentials in the state,Revitalization of marine fishing industry in the state through acquisition of small vessels & promotion/construction of deep sea fishing vessels through PPP, Engagement and collaboration with international investors to woo FDI to the state, Establishment of bayelsa state direct labour agency that will be profit driven, Collaboration with multilateral financial agencies to boost investment potentials in the state.
CONQUERING THE GREAT WATERS: The potentials of the Nigerian Maritime Industry is estimated to worth over $50 billion annually if explored to the fullest due to its vast coastline. Bayelsa State, been one of the states having littoral status, can explore this untapped potentials to fast-track the socioeconomic development of the state. My administration will invest heavily through Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the following areas of the maritime industry: Exploration of the untapped offshore mineral resources. Work in collaboration with NIMASA to explore the full potentials of the cabotage industry.
Peace and Security
SECURITY OF LIVES AND PROPERTY: Strengthening community/Citizen based approaches, Strengthening of the security agencies in the state (Police, Civil Defence, DSS, and Military) with the provision of modern security equipment to combat insecurity, Establishment of Rapid  and Response Unit to take up emergency security challenges both on land and in the creeks,
Application of Technology (ICT Reformation and strengthening of the neighbourhood security (Bayelsa Volunteer) to assist security agencies, mostly at the community level to combat the scourge of cultism and other vices) and Innovative Tools: Convene bi-weekly security meetings to discuss and map out plans to tackle security challenges, Setting up of emergency toll free lines to report breach of security, Reformation of the judiciary to dispense justice in record time and Training of Community Based Groups on helping Law Enforcement Agencies to gather  intelligence.
SECURITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT: Policy formulation on waste disposal mechanisms Setting up recycling plant to turn waste to wealth, Implementation of the report of the International Commission on the Environment  set up by His Excellency, Henry Seriake Dickson on proactive measures in combating flooding,  Mapping out forest reserves to capture elements of biodiversity, Review of the implementation of the Archbishop Dr. John Sentamu Report on Bayelsa State Environmental Degradation Commission,  Review of the 2011 UNEP Report on Ogoni and how it affects Bayelsa and  Develop Action Plan on mitigating Climate Change  Deal with Ocean surge, sea-level rise and coastal erosion.
Promoting Ijaw Cultural Renaissance
·         Strengthen unity and harmony amongst all people of Ijaw ethnic nationality.
·         Developing a common language and ensure its development and teaching in all schools (Nursery, Primary and Secondary) amongst all Ijaw communities.
·         Create sense of pride, dignity and feeling of common destiny amongst all the Ijaws in the 6 coastal states, Bayelsa, Akwa Ibom, Delta, Edo, Ondo and Rivers.
·         Properly articulate and pursue all matters pertaining to Ijaw interest, especially as it pertains to Resource Control, Fiscal Federalism, Devolution of Power, True Federalism and Regional Integration Strategy for Implementation (Sovereign Wealth Fund).
·         We will create a sovereign wealth fund in order to save for: the rainy day, fund major infrastructural projects and collaborate with similar bodies nationality internationally.  
My administration will reposition and strengthen the Bayelsa State Investment Promotion Agency (BIPA) to serve as the first stop point for all local and international investors. The agency will ensure that: All necessary information required by investors are within their disposal All necessary licenses, administrative approvals, business registration, etc. both at the Federal and State level are obtained in good time. All access to land and requisite documentations (Certificate of Occupancy) are obtained within the shortest time. Benchmark Economic Development Strategy (EDS) with national and UN standards.
There will be implementation of Short Term, Medium Term and Long Term Strategic Plans
The Short Term Plan is key to the achievement of the entire plan because it will enable the reviewing of the plan with the help of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to determine the success or failure of the projected plan for the first one year. If there are significant improvement in the KPI’s, it signifies success of the plan. If there is no significant improvement in the KPI’s, then there will be need to review the plan to achieve the targeted objectives. The first two to four months of the administration will also be used to vigorously pursue the gathering of data in various areas to enable the government have a robust data base that will assist in facilitating the strategic plans, and also monitor the successes recorded.
Restore public trust in governance Strict compliance with Public Procurement Act Strict compliance with Fiscal Responsibility Act, Open and robust national/global framework for annual peer review of performance, Short Term Plan – 2 Years [2020-2022] (Education, Health, Security, Job Creation, Tourism Development, Agricultural Development, Environmental Protection), Medium Term Plan - 3 Years [2022-2025] (Education, Health, Tourism Development, Road, Housing & other Social Infrastructure, Job Creation, Security, Environmental Protection, Industrial Development), Transparency Develop strong and evidence based M & E in all projects Break the culture of corruption and impunity, Long-Term Plan – 3 Years [2025-2028] (Education, Health, Security, Road, Housing, & other Social Infrastructure, Job Creation andTourism Development Environmental Protection Industrial Development).
The administration will also focus on building partnerships with multilateral financial institutions and Official Development Assistance (ODA) countries and institutions in achieving some of the items in the manifesto. Some of these institutions include: DFID, USAID, GIZ, AFD, JICA EU, UNDP, World Bank, African Development, etc. To achieve the building of partnerships, my administration will establish a Development Assistance Department (DAD), made up of personnel with the requisite technical know-how to drive the process of the partnership and implementation of projects to achieve the proposed plans with a focus on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals .
The sources of funding for the implementation of the programmes and policies of my administration will be centered around the following areas:
 Federation Account Allocation Committee: This is highest source of revenue to Bayelsa State with monthly allocations averaging between 7 billion to 8 billion naira, inclusive of the 13% derivation. Most of the economic plans will be built around this source of revenue.
Internally Generated Revenue (IGR): The IGR for Bayelsa State for 2018 was 13.63 billion naira (an average of 1.135 billion naira monthly) according to the figures released by the National Bureau of statistics in 2019. My administration will increase this amount to a target of 2 billion naira monthly in the first year.
Public Private Partnership (PPP): Collaboration with the private sector on PPP basis to invest in areas that will be profit oriented and create employment. Bonds: Long term bonds with favourable terms of repayment will be secured to invest in areas that will generate revenue to off-set the repayment.
Collaboration with Development Partners: In the implementation of the programmes and policies of my administration, building partnership with Official Development Assistance (ODA) countries and institutions like Department for International Development (DFID), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), European Development Fund (EDF), Agence Francaise de Development (AFD), Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), World Bank, African Development Bank (AfDB), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) etc. through grant and direct participation in the execution of projects.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Our programmes and policies will woo foreign investors to invest in critical aspects of the economy. Deploy resources saved from transparency.
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Ambassador (Dr) Godknows Boladei Igali


·         Assisted over one hundred and twenty (120) persons to obtain scholarship to study abroad; most of them have PhD today.
·         Stood as guarantor for hundreds and assisted them to obtain visa to study abroad.
·         Helped to secure direct employment to the Federal Civil Service for about two hundred (200) officers including at Director level.
·         Helped to place about two hundred and fifty (250) persons into the various armed forces

·         Helped to place about one hundred and seventy (170) persons into the armed forces and police.
·         Arranged the training and rehabilitation of over one hundred and fifty (150) in Cameroun for 18 months in various skills while serving as Consul General of Nigeria to Cameroun.
·         Arranged for training of one hundred and forty (140) Bayelsa youths for 1 year in Seamanship in Norway while serving as Secretary to the State Government (SSG) of Bayelsa.

·         Arranged training of hundreds of Bayelsa youths in Denmark and Sweden while serving as Ambassador.
·         Arranged specialized training on electrical systems and applications of one hundred (100) Niger Delta youths in France.
·         Embarked on several other youth empowerment and investment programmes.
·         Initiated over 30 rural water schemes in 30 communities.


·         Initiated and implemented rural electrification project (including solar) in over 30 communities
·         Embarked on several other youth empowerment and investment programmes
·         Initiated over 30 rural water schemes in 30 communities
·         Awarded contracts for revamping the Peremabiri rice project and Ogbia (Kolo and Otueke) rice project.

·         Initiated and completed N6 billion project of Bayelsa Central water scheme at Otueke
·         Initiated and implemented N3.6 billion Bayelsa power improvement project which includes supply of 3x30 MVA transformers at Gbarantoru

Team Player, People Oriented, Experienced Administrator, Passionate in Communication, Award Winning Author, Impeachable Character, High Competency, Outspoken, Extreme Humility
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In conclusion, my life has been one of service, performance and impact at all levels. It is my hope and strong determination that the great visions which I have for Bayelsa will enable us bring total transformation and forward leap into greater horizons. 

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