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Ahead of November 16 Governoship Election: PDP in disarray .Mass defection to APC continue in Bayelsa

   The ruling party in Bayelsa state, the Peoples Democratic Party is allegedly in disarray sequel to the outcome of the last governorship primary in the state as aggrieved members have continue defecting to the opposition party, the All Progressive Congress.

Prince Uche Secondus, PDP National Chairman
    Global Overseer reliably gathered that there is ongoing defection by the members of the party to the All Progressives Congress (APC) arising from the emergence of Chief David Lyon and Senator (Bishop) Biobarakuma W Degi-Eremienyo as Governor and running mate.

   Confirmed source also confided to Global Overseer that the last Sunday stakeholders meeting in Government House, major stakeholders like the former President Goodluck Jonathan, the Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribigha John Jonah (rtd) and the Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Emmanuel Tonye Isenah were not present in the meeting.

   Our source lamented over the situation describing it as a great setback and indication of the handwriting on the wall that the November 16 governorship election in the state may be a work over in favour of the opposition party, the All Progressive Congress governorship candidate, David Lyon.

   Indeed, this is not the best of time for the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Bayelsa State as the November 16, 2019 governorship election draws close.
   The signs are ominous that for the first time in the history of PDP, it is heavily hit by the soaring wind of acceptability of the All Progressives Congress (APC) across the length and breadth of the state to replace the PDP.
   PDP in Bayelsa State is fast becoming a shadow of itself. On daily basis, its membership is depleting as they are leaving the party in droves to the APC which has become the beautiful bride of the electorate.
   Only few days ago, Senator Barigha Nimi Amange, a PDP chieftain and strong ally of former President Goodluck Jonathan, dumped the party for APC at a colourful ceremony. Those who are familiar with the political calculus in the state know that Amange is a force that cannot be ignored.
   This was shortly followed by Gabriel Jonah, younger brother to Governor Dickson’s Deputy, retired Admiral Gboribiogha Jonah, and leader of a political group known as “Otita-Force,” who left the PDP for APC along with thousands of his supporters. They are leaders in their own right and no mean forces to reckon with.
   For the PDP, it is the battle of life to save the party from being swept off by the party it once derided and written off. For the APC, it made strong attempt at pulling the PDP off the strung in 2015 with its standard bearer and current Minister of State for Petroleum, Chief Timipre Sylva. PDP narrowly escaped defeat by stroke of luck.
   The Timipre Sylva-led APC, which has a lot of youths appellation in its fold, retired to the trenches and appeared in the 2019 General Election with a result which stunned the ruling PDP in the state.
   Out of the five members at the House of Representatives, APC secured two members, while out of the statutory three members of the senate, APC got one. At the State House of Assembly, APC got four members and more are being expected.
   This modest outing had since sent a clear signal that there is a dangling Sword of Damocles on the PDP in the November 16, 2019 governorship election. There are a number of issues that will define the outcome of the governorship election in Bayelsa State. One, the personality and character of the candidates will go a long way to determine the choice of the electorate.
   For the APC, the emergence of Mr. David Lyon as standard bearer of the party was received with spontaneous jubilation across the state, regardless of party leanings.
   Earlier, just hearing of Lyon’s intention to contest, the PDP was compelled to hold meetings severally to strategize on how to contain the osmosis forces coming with the candidacy of David Lyon.
   According to reports, PDP allegedly sponsored someone at the APC primary to secure an Experte order restraining the party from adopting the “direct” mode of primary approved by the National Working Committee of the party. The matter, which was presided over by Honourable Justice Omukoro in Yenagoa High Court, was later vacated, paving way for the APC primary where Lyon emerged as the flag bearer of the party.
   Lyon’s candidacy had since altered the entire political calculations of the PDP and other contesting parties. A graduate of Mathematics and Chemistry at Rivers State College of Education, now Rivers State University of       Education, his leadership quality and high academic performance were spotted way back in his days at Community Secondary School Olugbobiri by both teachers and students. This earned him the enviable appointment as Senior Prefect or Head Boy of the school, coming at a time such appointments were based on academic merit and character in learning,
   After his graduation from the Rivers State University of Education he had choice and opportunities to work in the Multi-national oil companies but he took the part of self-reliance.
   Worried by the frightening scourge of unemployment in Bayelsa State and in the Niger Delta, David Lyon registered a security network company called Daylon Nigeria Limited with the Corporate Affairs Commission.
Daylon Nigeria Limited which came in the wake of rising cases of oil pipeline vandalism, kidnapping, sea piracy and threats to the smooth operation of oil companies in Bayelsa State has since become a house hold name.
   He has carved his name in the place of history in the Niger Delta. Apart from Chief Timipre Sylva, who initiated the amnesty programme which brought about the relative peace in the Niger Delta, Lyon remains the second individual who has contributed enormously to the peace and security of oil producing communities as well as creating an enabling environment for oil companies to operate.
   He believes that there cannot be sustainable development without peace and security. This is why when he got the endorsement of the APC to fly its ticket, the unanimous verdict of vast majority of stakeholders were clearly expressed with excitement, that “with David Lyon, the disturbing security indices in the state will soon become a thing of the past, being known for his dexterity in the business of community policing.”
   Other factors that have attracted electorate’s goodwill to Lyon’s candidacy include his generous and humble nature. His generosity, according to people who have come across him in one way or the other, “knows no bound”. According to a social media influencer, Miss Esther Aron-Kune, “David Lyon may not be an orator as some people do, but he is a good man who loves the common man, regardless of where you come from, as he sees himself as one of them; he is humility personified. This is why he is regarded as the coming of a true countryman governor and not the fake one that had deceived the people over seven years”.
   Apart from late Zebulon Abule of the Old Rivers State, there is no living politician that has demonstrated the capacity for philanthropism the way Lyon has done in Bayelsa State and the Niger Delta in general. These are qualities which no candidate has in the contest.
   For the first time in the history of Bayelsa State, the issue of choice of Lyon has transformed into a mass movement like that of the Mao-Mao movement.
   The anger of the electorate is further fueled by the failed performance indices of the incumbent governor Seriake Dickson who unleashed a reign of impunity of which Bayelsans are fed up.
  V For instance, before the Seriake Dickson-led government came on board, Yenagoa, the state capital, was beautifully illuminated at nights with functional street lights. Today, Yenagoa has become the capital of darkness, while activities of men of the underworld take advantage of it with increasing crime wave, especially at night.
   The functional independent power project called gas turbine was providing electricity to compliment the Port-Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company. It is sad to mention that such a good infrastructure became moribund under him.
   Also, before now, bursaries were paid to students of Bayelsa State origin in higher institutions while both local and foreign scholarships were awarded same, but all that stopped under the self-acclaimed Government of Restoration of governor Dickson.
   In the civil service promotions, leave bonus, promotion arrears and Christmas celebration bonus, some of which are statutory rights and some are privileges enjoyed by workers under successive administrations, were stopped by Dickson for about eight years and just to mention but few instances which have become the nemesis of the PDP candidate, Senator Douye Diri.
   This is why Bayelsans have strong resentment against the candidacy of Senator Douye Diri who is regarded as Governor Dickson’s third tenure project or as some people would call it, as a continuation of his political dynasty to suffocate the people of Bayelsa State.
   It is therefore understandable that the wind of change that is blowing like the North-East trade wind, heralding the gale of defection from PDP to APC is natural and spontaneously reflecting the general will of the people.
   Therefore, any reference to Federal might in the contest by the PDP is a mere imagination and mischief. From all indications, the choice of David Lyon represents the people’s own natural revolt against Governor Dickson.
Bayelsans are really fed up with the PDP government led by Seriake Dickson. It is like the aphorism that you can deceive the people several times, but you cannot deceive them all the time.
   This is why Bayelsans have crossed the Rubicon for the first time and resolved to align with the APC to meet the general development aspirations of the people and that is the reality on ground in the forth-coming governorship election in Bayelsa State.





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