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OCAF Urges Bayelsans to strengthen resolve to vote for APC

                      By Austin Genesis
  A foremost socio-economic and development-oriented organization under the aegis of Ogbia Constituency II Advancement Forum (OCAF), has enjoined the people of Bayelsa state to shun the mistakes of the past and strengthen its resolve to  massively vote  for the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief David Lyod and his running mate Senator (Bishop) Biobarakuma W Degi-Eremienyo on the November 16 governorship election in the state.
 Chief David Lyod                                    Senator  Biobarakuma W Degi-Eremienyo
   The National Chairman of the organization, Mr Inegba M Genesis who made the call in a chat with newsmen in Yenagoa, said that the move will salvage the people of the state from the present state of helplessness, aggravating abject poverty, deprivation and under-development to give a new lease of life for the people.
   OCAF boss who described the choice of Chief David Lyod and his running mate Senator (Bishop) Biobarakuma W Degi-Eremienyo as Divine decision from God to pilot the affairs of the state on February 14 next year, also advised the people of the state to shun money politics and vote for the APC’s candidate to enhance the desired level of development of the state.
   He regretted that for the past seven years the people of the state have been denied good governance, pointing out that the people saddled with the responsibility to govern the state for the betterment of all have failed to realize that the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria clearly spelt out that sovereignty belongs to the people, from whom government derives all powers and authority, adding the fact that this provision affirmed that security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.
   Speaking further, he said that the country’s constitution affirms that participation by the people in the government shall be ensured.
  These, he said are the basic tenets of democracy that those saddled with the authority to govern the state must actualize, but sadly the reverse is the case.
   He lamented that the state presently is allegedly in a state of insecurity of lives and property as cases of armed robbery, kidnapping, killing and various vices including the activities of hirer assassins is reported daily owing to poor governance.
  Outlining the exceptional leadership qualities of Chief David Lyod and his running mate Senator (Bishop) Biobarakuma W Degi-Eremienyo, Genesis asserted emphatically, noting that the duo posses the seven principles of public life –selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership needed to transform the state to a haven of peace, unity, progress, industrialization and human capacity development to eradicate poverty and enhance good governance of the state devoid of sentiment, egocentric tendencies and winner takes all syndrome.
   The body also advised the National Working Committee of the APC and President Muhammadu Buhari to call INEC and the security agencies to order in order to shun bribery and corruption in the November 16 Bayelsa State Governorship election to allow the electorates choose a governor of their choice.
   Noting that Bayelsa state is owned equally by the indigenes and could not afford herself to be rule by cabal to impoverishing the people, he said indisputable that the dreams of the founding fathers of the state to make Bayelsa state a haven of peace and progress for the overall benefit of all devoid of poverty, ethnicity, nepotism, sentiments, discrimination and infighting among the people would be achieved through the aforesaid APC Governorship candidate and his running mate.
   He added that the euphoria that greeted the creation of the state which was yet be achieved would also be attained under the APC administration of Chief David Lyod and his running mate if given the mandate because the duo he averred are matured, experienced men of rare wisdom, God fearing and of exceptional leadership acumen, generosity and integrity to succeed Governor Dickson led administration on November 16.
Genesis pointed out that noticeably and undoubtedly every sincere and God fearing indigene or non-indigene residence in the state acknowledged the numerous socio-economic, political and technological problems militating against the desired development of the state that place the people on unbearable economic hardship, hunger, poverty, high cost of living and poor living environment.
   According to the organization the economy of the state is in doldrums as deduction of civil servants salaries and under stepping of their salary grade levels of recent has become the major source of revenue generation, which had greatly affects their socio-economic wellbeing, hoping greatly that David Lyod’s administration would address the oppressive situation currently facing by the workforce.
  He affirmed that pragmatic democracy which is seriously lacking in the state would be achieve under APC administration to curb the current situation of  winner takes all being experienced in the state.
 “What indeed we have today are monumental precepts by leadership not matched by action at the different levels of government in the state. The unity and the love our founding fathers had in the struggle for the creation of the state have been jettisoned. Bayelsans now are living in divisiveness and we are no longer our brother’s keeper.
  Most of those in positions of trust have forgotten the masses as they have seen the privilege as an opportunity to amass wealth at the detriment of the people. If this scenario will be allowed to continue we will remain in misery, disdain, squalor and hopelessness while the cabal would continue to rule and oppress the people to take everything for themselves to continue impoverishing the people more and more to the next generation to come.
  The prospect of Bayelsa state depends solely in visionary and competent leadership who will safeguard lives and property and provide the desired leadership that would give all Bayelsans a sense of belongs. Bayelsa state needs a renowned and foresighted, humane and detribalized leader who is generous and attaches importance to the welfare of the people above personal interest to be able to address these diverse social ills facing the people.
  It is against this backdrop, that all and sundry in the state irrespective of political leanings have been called upon to collectively  vote for the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief David Lyod and his running mate Senator (Bishop) Biobarakuma W Degi-Eremienyo on the November 16 governorship election in the state,” he stated.

According to him duo have the exceptional qualities to serve the people of the state with the fear of God in the interest of all because they are courageous and righteous.

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