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Youths charged to avoid hastiness to achieve greatness in life - Kypus

By Inegbagha Majesty

    Youths, particularly the social media bloggers have been told to shun hastiness in their life in order to achieve greatness and become useful in society.
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Chief Livingstone Kypus
      They have also been told to exhibit humbleness, steadfastness, hard-working and respect as their watchword devoid of all forms of social ills.
    The Personal Assistant to the Senator Representing Bayelsa East in the National Assembly, Chief Livingstone Kypus gave the advice at his 46th birthday anniversary celebration in Yenagoa, capital of Bayelsa state.
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Cutting of the Birthday cake
     Chief Kypus said his advice is predicated upon his experience that to achieve greatness in live depends on the aforesaid characteristics.
    He attributed his upliftment in society as a result of his humility, diligent, perseverance and the reverence he has exhibited in his 20years service with Senator Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo and humanity. This, he recalled his family background and the interior community he call from.
    Chief Kypus reminded youths that there is hope in life when we demonstrate exemplary behaviour and pray to God, He will answer our prayers.
 Image may contain: one or more people and people standingImage may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor, text that says "AND"
    He also pointed out that it was borne out of his dedication to service, unassuming nature, hard-working and firmness in his decision while with Senator Degi-Eremienyo, he was made Chairman in Council, Mini-Ikensi under Nembe local government and as supervisory councilor as well as a Chief in Nembe.
    Kypus who dedicated his birthday celebration to God Almighty and Senator Degi-Eremienyo, described him as a man of impeccable character, humble, calm and straight forward.
   He noted that over the years, Senator Degi-Eremienyo has dedicated his life to the tenets and ethos of progressive politics with unwavering commitment, focus and dedication, through selfless services he rendered to humanity during the various offices he held before now.
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   Dignitaries from different walks of life who attended the event including Chief Austin Aye-Maxtins , Gboro, Hon Dogiye Sylva,  Chief Fyne Ikierigha Allen, Hon Kenisuo Austin Otoro and his amiable wife, Mrs Ladebi  Otoro, Chief Morris Idamikpod Igaki, Hon Eruani Innocent Ebi, Mr Telimoye Ebiegberi  and Mr Sylvanus Perebiari among others extolled the sterling qualities of the celebrant, Chief Livingstone Kypus.
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    They praised Kypus of his devotedness, courage, forthrightness and diligence in working with the Senator providing exemplary and broadminded leadership and effective representation; and wished him more prosperous years.
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Hon Kenisuo Austin Otoro and his amiable wife, Mrs Ladebi  Otoro at the event.

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