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Baraza cooperative begin mass registration to eradicate poverty in Bayelsa


By Inegbagha Majesty 

Arch (Pastor) Miebi Bribena

Over 8,000 persons have registered with Baraza Multipurpose Cooperative Society under its ongoing poverty eradication programme to free the people from the excruciating effects of poverty ravaging the nation within its few months of commencement of operation in Bayelsa state. 

 The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Cooperative, Arch (Pastor) Miebi Bribena disclosed this while briefing newsmen the programmes under the cooperative at its head office located at Otiotio Road Junction, Yenigue-gene in Yenagoa, along Chief Melford Okilo’s Expressway.

Already, he said those who had registered with the cooperative as well as those who deposited money for interest have started benefiting from the programmes while more persons visit the office daily for different transactions.

Explaining the background of the cooperative, the MD, Arch Bribena said, a cooperative Society is a group of people that agree to come together, put their resources together to achieve common goals and also to improve their lives.

He added that the name Baraza is an East African name because in his course of study he discovered that the best cooperative in Africa is from Kenya.

“Baraza is an East African word that means a gathering together of people. Cooperatives are more or less like partnerships and we decided to use the word “Baraza” because it suits what we are doing, people with decent backgrounds coming together with a common goal, improving their lives and assist one another. So I decided to spearhead this noble project because I have a vision that is in line the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals called the Global Goals,” he stated.

Explaining further, he said in 2015 these global goals were established and there are 17 of them to be achieved by 2030, but Baraza cooperative which commence operation this year (2020) have a ten year vision to achieve by 2030.

He pointed out that part of the goals in the 17 goals include eradication of poverty by 2030, zero hunger by 2030 and reduction of inequality.

Arch Bribena added that the 20 richest persons in the world with their resources pulled together are more than the resources of 4 billion persons on earth.

He expressed the cooperative commitment to also pursue other goals in the area of affordable housing, affordable education and the 17 goal of the sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to curb the too much inequality currently prevailing in the society.

According to him they thought it wise to set up cooperative instead of coming to start a business or a microfinance institution that would be owned by the Board of Directors because a cooperative is actually democratic in nature. 


“So every registered member of a cooperative may have his own interest hence, the establishment of Baraza as a cooperative. The bye-law of the cooperative empowers us to receive money from our members and trade in any business that is sustainable and profitable and give profit to our member,” he said.

He also maintained that the registered members of the cooperative have agreed to use its funds to explore the benefits of an online forex trade but not public deposited fund.

“Except you are registered as a member if you like bring N10 billion naira we won’t touch your money unless you are a registered member of the cooperative,” he explained.

It is enthusiastic to note that people rush to Baraza Multipurpose Cooperative Society, the most fastest growing and biggest cooperative on this side of Niger to deposit their money owing to the impeccable character of its managing director/chief executive officer, Bribena Miebi who is a renowned Architect, Pastor, Businessman and a vibrant Politician who attach important to public interest above personal gains.

In disputable, several people in Nigeria live in extreme poverty, Bayelsans unexceptional. It would be recalled that Bayelsa State has one of the largest crude oil and natural gas deposits in Nigeria. As a result petroleum production is expensive in the state.

However, majority of the people live in poverty. These people lack the basic necessities of life as a result of decades of neglect by the Federal Government, state government and petroleum prospective companies. This has been a large problem in the state since creation 24 years ago.

The state, as a result, has an almost non-existence commence. Successive state governments have embarked on industrial projects and poverty alleviation programmes to reverse situation.

But, it is very unfortunate that there is nothing tangible to show on ground 24 years after creation for hung sums of money spent for development by successive governments.

For many, after acquiring wealth from the state would rather use it extravagantly as Father Christmas, while others will acquire wealth from the state, and forget their state to establish businesses in other states of the federation. Thus, allowing the excruciating effects of poverty to continue ravaging the people till today.

That is why the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Baraza Multipurpose Cooperative Society, Architect (Pastor) Bribera Miebi who hails from Agbere community in Sagbama Local Government Area of Bayelsa State deserves much commendation for his foresight and wisdom to establish this Cooperative Society in his own state, Bayelsa.

This is because in an era when people feel powerless to change their lives, Cooperatives representing a strong, vibrant, and viable economic alternative.

Cooperatives are formed to meet people’s mutual needs. They are based on the powerful idea that together, a group of people can achieve goals that none of them would achieve alone.

For over 160 years now, Cooperatives have been an effective way for people to exert control over their economic livelihoods.

They provide a unique tool for achieving one or more economic goals in an increasingly competitive global economy. As governments around the world cut services and withdraw from regulation markets, cooperatives are being considered useful mechanisms to manage risk for members in many areas to better their economic well being.

So, Arch (Pastor) Bribena vision to establish this cooperative to eradicate poverty in Bayelsa State to create self-reliance for the people to subdue poverty is a welcome development. 

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