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King Owaba faults Nigeria’s Constitution .Calls for immediate amendment

 By Austin Genesis

  Worried by the several challenges confronting traditional rulers to discharge their duties effectively, His Royal Majesty Dumaro Charles Owaba, Obanobhan III of Ogbia Kingdom in Bayelsa state has faulted the nation’s constitution over exclusion of traditional institutions.  

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  King Owaba who made his feelings known in an exclusive in with Global Overseer at his palace on Tuesday, averred emphatically that traditional institutions are indispensable tools for political transformation in any nation that desire to move forward.

   The royal father bewailed over the adverse effects arising from exclusion of constitutional role to traditional rulers in the current nation’s constitution.

  He appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari and the National Assembly to consider as a matter of urgent to amend the nation’s constitution to include traditional institutions with genuine responsibilities.

   This, he said would pave way for traditional rulers to have their full statutory powers to operate and administer the affairs of their respective domains to enhance good governance as well as promote peace and stability of the nation.

   According to him the amendment should make adequate financial budgetary provision for First Class Traditional rulers to enable them function properly.

   He described traditional institutions as a vital vehicle for political transformation of the country and Africa as a whole, adding that they represent a major part of Africa’s history culture and political governance system. 

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 The royal father commended the Bayelsa state government for providing monthly stipend for traditional rulers for their welfare, but lamented that the fund is grossly inadequate to carry out essential programmes that would boost maintenance of peace, law and order as well as enlightenment of the people on vital issues about governance and peaceful existence.

  Owaba stated insistently that no organization can function effectively to achieve its desired goals without funds, pointing out that as a result of paucity of funds genuine ideas and plans formulated to achieve set goals in line with government policies and programmes could not be implemented.

  He decried the present situation where traditional rulers were left redundant without federal government support.

  King Owaba also blamed on the prevailing insecurity situation bedeviling the country as a result of the prolong neglect of traditional rulers by preceding administrations of the federal government to make them relevant in the discharge of their duties.

   He further stressed the need for the federal government not to leave out traditional rulers who are closer to the people at the grassroots’ in the scheme of things.

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