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King Omie decries lack of basic amenities in Anyama clan .Appeal to Buhari, Gov Diri to provide motorable road .Calls for solution over unabated sea pirate activities

 By Inegbagha Majesty

Obanobhan of Anyama Clan in Ogbia local government area of Bayelsa state, His Royal Majesty, King Omie Theophilus has decried lack of basic amenities to uplift the socio-economic wellbeing of the people of his clan. 

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 King Omie made his feelings known in an exclusive interview with Global Overseer on Thursday at his palace.

The royal father lamented that since in the Old Rivers state to the present Bayelsa state, projects earmarked for the development of the area to improve the living conditions of the people and accelerate the pace of development of the area have always been abandoned thus creating unbearable and untold hardship to the people. 

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HRM, King Omie Theophilus Obanobhan of Anyama Clan

 He recalled that the defunct Oil Mineral Producing Area Development Commission (OMPADEC) had awarded a motorable road contract to link the clan form Ekeki in Yenagoa to Azikoro-Onuebum-Ayakoro-Anyama-Okodi to Emadike in the clan, pointing out that the project was abandoned.

Also, he stated emphatically with regret that the Federal Government through the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs had embarked on feasibility studies to construct a motorable road from Ekoli Bridge in Yenagoa to Ayakoro-Anyama-Okodi to Emadike in the clan, pointing out that that road project was also dumped.

He expressed sadness further stating that the hope and happiness of the people of the clan have also been dash when the Bayelsa State government has embarked on construction of a motorable road project supervised by one Engineer Andrew from Akaba to link the Anyama clan to the state capital in 2018 was also abandoned.

King Omie added that the area also lack effective and functional health institutions such General and cottage hospitals to enhance health care delivery in the area and reduce mortality rate.

This, he added to the fact that there is no single tertiary institution, electricity, potable drinking water, industries and government presence in the area apart from the primary schools provided by the state government in spite of its enormous economic contribution to the nation’s coffer.

He appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari and the Bayelsa state Government led by Governor Douye diri to see the plight of the people of the area as a priority in the governance of the federal and the state governments by awarding a contract without further delay to construct a viable motorable road from Ekoli Bridge in Swali, Yenagoa to link Ayakoro-Ologi-Anyama-Okodi and Emadike Communities to alleviate the transportation difficulties pose to the people of the area and avert the nefarious activities of unabated sea pirates.

King Omie said the call has become necessary; stressing that Anyama Clan is the only area in Ogbia local government area where crude oil was founded in the whole of West Africa in commercial quantities in 1956 at Oloibiri that has not been linked with a motorable road.

 “I must be very frank; in terms of physical development there is nothing to show on ground in my clan apart from the primary schools built by the state government. This is in spite of its enormous contribution to the nation’s coffer. My own conclusion, Government is not interested in the development of the clan. I am feeling very bad that my clan has not been link with a motorabole road since the creation of Bayelsa state. We are worse affected by the sea pirates activities in the state. The area that is worse affected by sea piracy activities is Anyama clan. It is just that my hands are tight and there is nothing I can do.

We are calling on the state and federal government to help us link the area with a motorable road to lessen the suffering of the people and curb the activities of sea pirates,” he stated.

On the issue of providing solution to the insecurity of the clan arising from sea pirates, the royal father implored the federal and state governments to position Gun Boats at strategic creeks along Ekoli River at Ologi creek linking to Southern Ijaw local government area, Ologoghe creek linking to Nembe and Brass local government areas and at Okodi and Emadike creek which he described as a flash point where criminal activities are carried out unabated in the clan.

He also advocates for upward review of traditional rulers monthly stipend to enhance effective discharge of their responsibilities in the maintenance of law and order at their respective vicinities.

King Omie further stressed the need to rehabilitate the Kolo creek Gas Turbine at Imiringi to link the clan with constant electricity supply, pointing out that about nine years the area has been in blackout arising from the breakdown of the state owned Kolo Creek Gas Turbine.

“I am appealing to the state government to link Anyama clan with electricity. Life is attached to light. When there is no light is like there is no life.

So, government should try to look at bringing the Gas Turbine at Imiringi on stream. It will revive the life of the people of Ogbia local government area and part of Yenagoa LGA and beyond,” King Omie averred.

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