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APC, PDP in war of words in Bayelsa over Gov Diri’s achievements

 By Our Correspondent

The main opposition political party in Bayelsa state, the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the ruling party, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) are in unabated war of words.

May be an image of 1 person
Chief (Dr) Dennis Otiotio, APC State Chairman

The war of words was sequel to an outcome of  live radio programme granted by the People's FM 93.1 to the new State Chairman of APC, Chief (Dr) Dennis Otiotio in Yenagoa, which featured on the topic “The New APC and Maladministration in Bayelsa state.”

The APC Chieftain alleged that governor Diri was not prepared for governance which illuminates why it took him almost a year to install his cabinet.

He further alleged that in his first one year, Diri’s administration received N163 billion with nothing to show for it, yet he has gone ahead to obtain loans that have increased the debt profile of the state.

Commenting on the state airport, the APC chairman described it as the most expensive and the smallest airport in the world, adding that its location was wrong, as it is not viable and accessible to people coming from Delta State and other places outside Bayelsa.

Dr Otiotio furthermore alleged that the contractor handling the Isaac Boro express way is not Julius Berger, stating that the contractor only hired equipment from Julius Berger to deceive Bayelsans.

“Bayelsa State airport is the most expensive and the smallest airport in the world.

The siting of the airport was wrong, it is not viable and accessible to people coming from Delta and other places. That was why we think the Yara' Adua airport siting was the best.

The road leading to the airport is covered by market along Tombia axis and the government is not determined to build market for them.

Every Bayelsans knew Douye Diri was not ready for governance, he took almost a year to put up a cabinet.

Douye Diri received 163bn in the first year in government but, we don't know what he did with all those billions and they are borrowing billions,” Chief Otiotio Stated.

But, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in a statement by its Publicity Secretary, Mr. Ebiye Ogoli titled “LYING IS NOT A VIRTUE debunked Chief (Dr) Dennis Otiotio’s statement.

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Mr. Ebiye Ogoli, PDP Publicity Secretary

 The PDP refutal read thus:

“The attention of the People's Democratic Party, Bayelsa state chapter has been drawn to vexatious comments, lies, and misrepresentation of facts deliberately spewed out on Radio by Chief (Barr.) Dennis Otiotio-Odoni -  a factional Chairman of the All Progressives Congress in the state against the Prosperity administration of His Excellency, Governor Douye Diri.

 Whilst the State Chapter ordinarily, would not have waisted valuable time responding to these tissues of lies and misinformation concocted deliberately; we think that failure to respond would help them mislead the unsuspecting public and erode public confidence in the good intentions of His Excellency, Senator Douye Diri, Executive Governor of Bayelsa state.

We wish to posit in the first instance, that while it is the inalienable right of the opposition to criticise the Government in power, it should do so with decorum and utmost responsibility. In other words, doing so should not be about 'fabrication and engaging in blatant lies and falsehood for the sole aim of smearing the image, reputation of the Government in power, as this is not only morally wrong but condemnable.

Clearly, this latest move by the Opposition to paint in black the giant strides of His Excellency, the Governor of Bayelsa state has already backfired as the unwarranted attacks have not resonated with the true feelings of the people of our state. Not surprisingly. Most folks have come out to voice their disappointment with the APC Chairman's entire media interview.

We make bold to state here and now that - LYING IS NOT A VIRTUE IN OUR IJAW CULTURE. Even though, this seems like an acceptable opium in some political parties in Nigeria, we shall stand to condemn it wherever its shows it's ugly face

Or else, how do we explain the negative vituperations poured out against the Bayelsa Inernational Airport by Barrister Dennis Otiotio in contrast with the beautiful remarks of his Party's two outstanding leaders in the state; Honourables Preye Oseke and Israel Sunny-Goli during the epoch-making event of the first successful commercial flight from Lagos which landed safely in Bayelsa Airport.

 In that event, these two good Bayelsans, APC leaders in the House of Representatives, Abuja raised their voices to pour encomiums on former Governor Seriake Dickson and current Gov. Douye Diri for successfully building the airport and making it operational, thereby opening up Bayelsa to the world for Business. The duo described the Airport as standard and superb.

They also pledged their preparedness to collaborate with His Excellency, the Governor and the Government of Bayelsa state on all issues relating to development. We dare say, these are true Sons of Bayelsa

We find it inappropriate therefore that Barr. Dennis Otiotio would attempt to whip up sentiment relating to the present location of the Airport, in addition to querying the total cost of constructing the Airport, alleging that the cost was prohibitive.

He failed to present a comparative valuation of another airport of same size and topography in Nigeria. It is a geneally known fact that Bayelsa landscape in addition to being a marshy, lowland is fraught with swamps in many places. All of these challenges should have been factored in if Barrister Otiotio meant no harm and wish to talk about an appropriate cost of building an airport in Bayelsa state.

Our attention was also drawn to another misinformation credited to Barr. Otiotio-Odoni that no one has left his APC for the PDP in Bayelsa state. This of course is truly unfortunate, and another reason why Bayelsans should not entrust the APC with their votes come 2023. Or else how could anyone deny the defection of big names like Senator Felix Oboro, Chief Bright Erewari, Hon. Pius Otia, Hon. Augustus Elliot Osomu, General Ogunboss, Hon. Bolous Indiama-owei, Chief K.D. Francis, Rtd. Rear Admiral Lokosen, Hon.Target Segibo, Serving House member, Dr. Daniel Charles amongst several others.

We are also told by factional Chairman,

Barrister Dennis Otiotio, that His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Bayelsa state is not prepared for leadership of our state. We find this statement outrightly nonsensical as it is balderdash. What qualifies a man for leadership beside formal education? Is it not mentorship? Nonetheless, Barr. Otiotio knows as of fact that Senator Douye Diri, stands taller in pedigree than all former Governors of our state including former Governor, Chief Tinipre Sylva with respect to on-, the -job mentorship before assumption of office.

This current Governor had undergone many years of governance apprenticeship and is the reason why every sector of our public life is in positive acceleration and producing unprecedented results.  We are happy with the outcomes in education, health, sports, infrastructure, security etc.

Finally, we wish to inform that the Governor of Bayelsa State is working tirelessly to ensure that all the ongoing legacy projects -  Road, bridges and others are timeously completed and commissioned in addition, to the ones already completed.

On a final note, we place it on record that our estimation of Barrister Otiotio as a well-cultured, thorough-bred politician has not changed; but we wish to admonish him to play responsive, ethical politics -  devoid of lies, misinformation, divisiveness, blackmail and negative propaganda.

 His Excellency, the Governor has worked hard to creat a stable, peaceful society where citizens are in harmony with one another irrespective of political party differences, Deliberate orchestration of lies and hatred are therefore NOT the hallmarks of responsible politics. Bayelsans say NEVER AGAIN to that evil culture.”  Signed: Mr. Ebiye Ogoli, State Publicity Secretary.

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