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ADC Flagbearer unveils motive behind his exceptional support to win Nembe House of Assembly Seat

By Our Correspondent

 The Bayelsa State House of Assembly Flagbearer for Nembe Constituency Two under the platform of the African Democratic Congress (ADC), Mr Fredrick Braid Amiefamonyo has unveiled reasons behind his exceptional support to win the seat of the area in the next year's general election. 

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Mr Fredrick Braid Amiefamonyo

Mr Amiefamonyo who made the disclosure in a chat with Global Overseer on Wednesday in Yenagoa, also affirmed his chances to win over 65 percent of the total votes during the election.

Given some of the reasons behind his impending victory at the poll, Amiefamonyo had said, apart from his rare wealth of experience, foresight, impeccable character, accessibility, generosity and the humility he has exhibited over the years that attracted the people to his overwhelming support, adding to the fact that he is a renowned grass root politician who was born and brought up from the vicinity; and aware of the yearnings and the aspirations of the people, the representatives  of the area both in the legislative and Executive arms of the government have failed the people.

He added that that was why the people need a complete change that would address the socio-economic and political challenges of the constituency, and they see him as the person embodied with all the qualities and the characteristics to salvage the people of the area from the shackle of poverty, deprivation and underdevelopment.

According to him the people have also embraced his vision to introduce a new political economic idea rather than polystructure which has been for political infrastructures alone, stressing that he has paid his dues since he had joined politics in 1992 and worked tirelessly and selflessly to put people into political positions of trust both in the legislative and the executive arms of government including local government council chairmen and councilors.

He said his entry into politics was borne out of his desire to ensure good governance and effective representation that would uplift the socio-economic and political lives of the people and enhance their means of livelihood.

"Now, what inspires me most to go into politics is good governance and effective representation. We are not having full representation that is expected from the legislative part of it, likewise the Executive governance. But I am not contesting in the executive axis but the legislative part of it.  But in the legislative part of it, is that when I look it they are having lapses in the main duties and functions and activities that the legislature is expected to have carried out. So, if people like us who have the basic knowledge about these things decide to sit back and allow persons who have very limited knowledge for this legislative business, it is going to affect me as well because I live in the society; and I'm part of the society. So if I continue to isolate myself when I have the knowledge to effect that different, and I continue to sit by the side, and then whom so ever that is representing me that is not doing well, indirectly is going to affect the basic and social life. So, that is why I accept the clarion call to contest for Nembe Constituency Two seat in the Bayelsa State House of Assembly,” he stated.

Lamenting that the dynamism of Nembe politics has been engulfed into barbaric or ancient ways that expose people to violence principles or pattern over the merging political system in the area that supposed to be two different scenarios, he pointed out the emergence of petro politics to socio politics in the kingdom.

He stated emphatically that he would not involve himself into oil politics meant for businessmen. Rather, he is interested in government politics that he would represent the people in the main stream of political activities to deliver the dividends of democracy to the area.

 So, what I want to look at knowing my environment as a technologist, I want to create economic from the environment other than oil politics. So I'm diversifying my interest from the oil politics to environmental economics. Environmental economics number one, we can annex and create wealth from the mangrove trees that look like condemned assets but they have huge resources. We can convert mangrove trees to Marine board that the people are buying for consumption in Nigeria and the world, Create a Wooding  industries to accommodate machinery , chemical to convert mangrove trees to Marine board and other fashionable that will be in the market both in Nigeria at large and the world."

According to him when voted into to power, he would use the constituency fund to promote the ancestral fishing economic life of Nembe people to create self-reliance, enhance economic prosperity of the people and infrastructural development through fishing activities.

" So, I'm concentrating on bringing the Nembe man out of the infrastructural system of economics  to the industrial system of economics. I'm looking to reintroduce Nembe Technical Education. So, I understand my environment. I want to build on the environment.  And I want to extract the economic resources of the environment but not basically on the oil sector. But on the full surface economic of our environment."

He affirmed that when elected his economic enhancement programmes of the constituency would curb sea piracy , armed robbery and other forms of criminal activities.

The ADC flagbearer used the forum to appeal to the electorates to turn out in their large Numbers and cast their votes for him so that the desired needs of the people could be actualized, adding that they should not sell their votes for money to impoverish themselves among other adverse consequences.

 " My message to the electorates is this: Government affect your life in every aspect.  Government manage 90 percent of your life. Now the people who manage Government that manage 90percent of your life if they did not have knowledge, the right antecedents and the right political will to manage this aspect in your life then you become a problem to yourself," he said.

According to him the electoral process was a process designed for the electorates to choose their elected representatives with good manifestos and character that would deliver the dividends of democracy to the people, warning that wrong choice of a representative would have a great adverse consequence to the area and the people.

"I'm begging the people of Nembe Constituency Two, the Opu-Nembe people to please give me their votes. I beg them, I'm pleading with them. I'm not seeking to be a leader. I am interested in service.  And I want to serve them diligently. I am going to be wealthier with my ideas but not their money," ADC flagbearer vowed.

When asked how would you assess your chances to win the election in Nembe Constituency Two Seat in the Bayelsa State House of Assembly considering the incumbency factor, the Bayelsa State House of Assembly Flagbearer for Nembe Constituency Two under the platform of the African Democratic Congress (ADC), Mr Fredrick Braid Amiefamonyo, said, “I have assessed myself 65percent. And this 65 percent cut across basic factors that are put in place.  First of all, you know the current incumbent is trying his best but the concept at which he is going about what he is doing is a little bit different from what the people were expecting. So, once an incumbent didn't meet up the expectations of the persons, then his support on that environment will change.

Now, currently the people of Nembe expect a complete change to affect their social life. They need basic amenities to sustain their economic lives. At the same time, they need another forms of economic ideas. That is why in my agenda I have what I called polynomic.  I want to introduce political economics rather than polystructure which is for political infrastructures. Now, overtime if you read and you listen to politicians they have been always advertising and campaigning and selling their idea of polystructure. That is political infrastructure by constructing roads, by building houses for office accommodations and all these are liabilities. Now, road is good. Road is an asset but a liable asset if it is not generating economics. If that road is not generating funds for both self-maintenance and for society, it becomes a liability because of continuous maintenance on the road. If you look at our roads and buildings, they are collapsing and lacking proper maintenance because those roads are not generating funds for maintenance. So, what I'm introducing, I want to shift a little bit away from the reality of polystructure to political economics by pushing economic activities that would promote economic processes which will directly affect human pockets and human survival. So, I put that as a yardstick and people are eager to have experience to what I'm talking about. So that as well will give me a leverage over my incumbent.

Then, secondly the change expectations that is going across by the APC led Government both in the federal and in the legislative, and the other state governors that have governed they are not doing well, they are not representing the people well; they are not giving the people's expectations. So, that anxiety they use to support APC is going down. And in my community there is huge expectations of complete overhauling of the political system. So, that favours my aspiration and the vision I am selling to persons.

Then, even when you come to the incumbent part of it, we have PDP as well. The PDP government too is not showing concern to the plights of the people I am to represent. They are not pushing the people to bring out the best. They are not doing those things that will alter the interest of the people. So, the people are not thinking towards PDP axis because the PDP is leading the government in the Executive Council while the APC is leading in the legislative sector.

So, both the Legislative representative and the Executive representative they are not selling themselves; they are not selling their candidates. And that have created loophole for me to shot in. So, with the vision I'm selling to the people, with my aspiration, with my intention and my personality that the people have already know; because like I said before this press interview started, I was born and brought up in my community and grow up from there. So, they know my antecedents, my history and my background. So, putting all these factors together I rate myself chances of winning by 65 percent.

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