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Lawmaker pledges to ensure quality representation urge constituents to shun divisive tendencies

 By Inegabgha Majesty

The member representing Ogbia Constituency II in the Bayelsa State House of Assembly, Hon(Chief) Godknows Owerre Obein has promised to ensure quality representation that would attract the dividends of democracy to the area.

Hon(Chief) Godknows Owerre Obein

Hon Obein stated this in a keynote address he presented at a grand reception organized in his honour by the stakeholders of the area in Onuebum Community of Ogbia Local Government Area, shortly after his oath of allegiance and membership of the state House of Assembly.

The lawmaker maintained that he is operating an inclusive administration and open door policy.

He called on the people of the area to eschew personal and political differences and embrace unity and love that would foster team work as inseparable entity to uplift the living standard of the people of the area.

Hon Obein averred that he is familiar with the challenges confronting the people of the Constituency, adding that the challenges could not be overcome in an atmosphere of acrimony, hatred and disunity.

He reiterated his appealed to the people of the Constituency to accord high premium to the unity and love among the people, stressing that they should accord the development of the area a pride of place in all their dealings to bring peace and progress among the people.

Traditional Rulers and the Chiefs of the area present at the reception,.
The lawmaker heartily and sincerely expressed deep appreciation to the Managing/Chief Executive Officer of NDDC, Chief (Dr) Samuel Ogbuku for his contribution and tireless support which enhance his victory at the poll.

Obein also lauded the traditional rulers, Chief's, party stakeholders and the people of the area for the support and honour done him, and urged them to rally round him through useful suggestions and advice that would made him excel in the legislative business to move the Constituency forward.

A cross-section of personalities.
In his Address “Permit me to sincerely express my profound gratitude to God Almighty and the people of Ogbia Constituency II most especially Chief Dr. Samuel Ogbuku, MD/CEO, Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) - my Super Boss and political Leader and Mentor who have made it possible for me to become their Servant and representative at the Bayelsa State House of Assembly.

This historic event taking place today represents and highlights the noble sacrifice of loving people and a celebration of the victory of the will of a battling people, clearly expressed at the poll that gave me this mandate.

As we happily acknowledge our electoral achievement, let us always remind ourselves that it is not so much a victory of one party over another but a celebration of our brotherhood and unity of purpose as well as our collective agreement to set aside our personal and political differences and work together to uplift the living standard of our people.

Hon(Chief) Godknows Owerre Obein and his wife. 

However, I would like to use this medium to specially and respectfully thank our great party men and women and non-party members who through their selfless efforts and hard work contributed to our victory that is being celebrated today.

Election is over and the stage is now set for the uncommon job of bringing our people together to make our dear constituency work again.

I am very much aware of the challenges and difficulties that lie ahead but it is only a failure that gives excuses.


The journey to the Bayelsa State House of Assembly was a long and challenging one for me and my victory could not have been possible without your support.

Those who followed our journey will know the challenges we faced but God Almighty is the ultimate planner who gives power to whom He wills.

I did not get this far because I am the best politician or most educated or better than the other contestants; I was simply chosen by the Almighty Creator through the people of Ogbia Constituency II to be their servant and representative.

With your continued support, no problem will be too difficult to overcome or mountain too high to climb.

As I officially begin my tenure today, my door shall remain open to all. I shall be responsive to the real concerns of our people.

I shall from time to time seek the advice of stakeholders, traditional rulers and party leaders to guide my actions, because I do not have all the answers or solutions to all our problems.

I promise that my representation and leadership will be about adding value to the lives of people and not looking down on any group of people as if they are lesser human.

Be rest assured that we will work hard to give a good account of ourselves, live by our words and not promise what we cannot deliver.

The central message is for us to always think love for one another, think unity, think progress, think development and above all put Obhan-Anyama FIRST because it is the only place we have and can call our own.

In conclusion, let me once again specially and respectfully thank and appreciate Chief Dr. Samuel Ogbuku, MD/CEO of NDDC for his contributions and tireless support to ensuring our election victory at the poll.

The traditional ruler of Otuokpoti lead the team.

I also wish to express my gratitude to the Obanobhan of Anyama Clan, His Royal Majesty, King Omie Theophilus, the Obanema of Onuebum Community, His Royal Highness, Engr. K. K. Osain, Ogo XVI, the Obanema of Ayakoro Community, His Royal Highness, Righteous Inegbegha and other Royal Highnesses present here, the MD/CEO of Ayalla Group of Companies, Hon. Chief Robert Enogha-Ayalla, the Commissioner, Federal Character Commission, Sir Dr. Tonye Okio, the APC Chairman, Ogbia LGA, Hon. Believe Benjamin, Political Leaders, Party Stakeholders and Loyal Supporters, Business Partners, Friends, Family Members and Well-Wishers for all the support as well as leaving their important engagements to come and be part of this eventful ceremony,”he said.

May the same God who was with us throughout the struggle for this mandate protect us, remain with us and lead us safely to our various homes”.

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